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Example: "Smith, Roger" (yes, use the quotes)
117 HOLLYWOOD CEMETERY  -   Surname starts with X
Location - North Main Street, Elkin, Surry Co., NC.
Coordinates: 36d 15m 05.3s N; 80d 51m 05.1s W Click here for Online Maps
Directions: From intersection of Main St and N. Bridge St in Elkin, go north on N. Bridge St for about .5 mile and cemetery is on the left after you pass Church St.
View #2 of the cemetery. View #3 of the cemetery. View #4 of the cemetery. View #5 of the cemetery.
Surveyed by Joe Hicks on April 6, 2006. Township or district: Elkin. Public or Private: Public Access. GPS Accuracy (ft.): 15. Elevation above sea level (ft.): 1014. Surry County Parcel Number: 4951-10-35-3646.
Please do not copy this data and post to other cemetery sites. Although facts like births and deaths are not copyrighted, genealogy integrity suggests you give reference sources of the data. Any photos provided "ARE" copyrighted so do not copy and post or use them without the owner's permission.
The list of burials was located by Joe Hicks of Elkin, NC who volunteers with the Surry County Genealogical Assn in finding old cemeteries. He found it at the Town of Elkin Parks and Recreation Department and was in the form of an Excel spreadsheet dated 9 Mar 2009, which is a public record. Some duplicate data has been removed and some spelling errors have been corrected, but this list is not complete and no attempt has been made to verify the section and plot numbers with the deceased. It is unknown if the Town of Elkin has made any updates to this Excel list since 2009.
Some data on the burials has been added by Bob Carter in October 2010 and may include some names of parents or spouses if they could be obtained from death, marriage, or obituary records. Actual names and dates are shown if the grave had just the initials or only the year was given. Some records marked with "X" are from death records but not on the original Excel file. As with any research, if you notice factual errors please send an email for a correction.
This data is a work in progress and may be updated periodically.
Web page updated 15 April 2021
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