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Location - Ingrams.
Coordinates: 35d 25m 04.8s N; 78d 25m 49.6s W Click here for Online Maps
Travel south from Four Oaks on SR 1162, 1 0.5 miles after crossing I-95. The cemetery is on the right side of the road, a few feet off the highway. This was most likely the cemetery of Elijah Stanley and his wife Nancy. The cemetery is overgrown with vines & brush and only 2 stones were found, both CSA stones with no dates. These are possibly sons of Elijah. There are many depressions in the area and possibly had wooden markers but none remain to be found. 2 marked graves.
Compiler: Todd Parrish & Elizabeth E Ross, Apr 1982.
Stanley, Eli (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Co H 2 Inf NC Troops. [Census 1850 h 1395]
Stanley, Gideon (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Co D 31 Inf NC Troops. [Census 1850 h 1398]
Web page updated 17 April 2021
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