Alphabetical List of Johnston County Burials
Index of All Cemeteries Previous Page
From: Abbate, William V | Thru: Adams, Timothy Alton |
From: Adams, Tonia W. | Thru: Allen, Isam G |
From: Allen, J C | Thru: Altman, Ophelia J. |
From: Altman, Penny May | Thru: Avera, Ethel |
From: Avera, Eva Poole | Thru: Baker, Infant |
From: Baker, Infant | Thru: Barbour, Catheron |
From: Barbour, Charles Braxton | Thru: Barbour, Part L |
From: Barbour, Paul | Thru: Barefoot, Lina C |
From: Barefoot, Lola Jane Pipkin | Thru: Barnes, Robert L |
From: Barnes, Robert Louis | Thru: Batts, James |
From: Batts, James E | Thru: Bell, Robert Lawrence |
From: Bell, Robert Lawrence | Thru: Blackman, Ashley A |
From: Blackman, Ashley Sr | Thru: Boomer, George W |
From: Boon, Alleniar | Thru: Brady, Martha |
From: Brady, Mary Jane (Nollie) | Thru: Britt, Fannie |
From: Britt, G R | Thru: Brown, Wallace Dwight |
From: Brown, Walter A | Thru: Byrd, Infant |
From: Byrd, Ira T. | Thru: Capps, John Rufus |
From: Capps, John T | Thru: Clayton, Carlie C. |
From: Clayton, Clarence T. | Thru: Cockrell, Barbara Ann |
From: Cockrell, Barbara Jean | Thru: Corbett, Etta Crowder |
From: Corbett, Fida Deans | Thru: Creech, Grace |
From: Creech, Graham | Thru: Creech, Rebecca C Thompson |
From: Creech, Relmond L. | Thru: Darden, Joseph William |
From: Darden, Lydia Ophelia | Thru: Davis, William Clyde |
From: Davis, William H | Thru: Doan, J Walter |
From: Doan, Percy | Thru: Dunn, Zola |
From: Dunstan, Bertha | Thru: Eason, Leather |
From: Eason, Lela K | Thru: Edwards, Sarah Cintha |
From: Edwards, Senia | Thru: Ennis, Mitchell Wayne |
From: Ennis, Mollie R | Thru: Ferrell, Roxie Anna |
From: Ferrell, Sophronia J | Thru: Futch, Hilda Gray |
From: Futch, Jasper T | Thru: Glover, Sherril M |
From: Glover, Talmadge | Thru: Gordon, Joseph C |
From: Gordon, Louis Donald | Thru: Griffin, Ruth Ellis |
From: Griffin, Sallie | Thru: Hall, Charles W |
From: Hall, Charlie Festus | Thru: Harper, Josie Wallace |
From: Harper, Kitty P | Thru: Haynie, Isadoea Mitchner |
From: Haynie, Isadora Mitchner | Thru: Hillman, Ruby Mooneyham |
From: Hines, Benjamin | Thru: Hockaday, Oscar T |
From: Hockaday, Oscar T | Thru: Holland, Oscar |
From: Holland, Patsy E. | Thru: Honeycutt, Bonnie Elaine Barbour |
From: Honeycutt, Burlon Braxton | Thru: Howell, Infant |
From: Howell, Iola Strickland | Thru: Ives, Samuel |
From: Ives, Susan | Thru: Jernigan, Martha |
From: Jernigan, Martha | Thru: Johnson, Edward |
From: Johnson, Edward Raymond | Thru: Johnson, Jo Ann |
From: Johnson, Joe Annie Jernigan | Thru: Johnson, Peggy |
From: Johnson, Pennia | Thru: Jones, Callie Nunn |
From: Jones, Carl | Thru: Jones, Margaret Jane |
From: Jones, Margaret Moore | Thru: Judkins, Freddie |
From: Judkins, Julia | Thru: Kornegay, Collene Mitchell |
From: Kornegay, Conrad Elbert | Thru: Langdon, Rufus J |
From: Langdon, Rufus John | Thru: Lawhon, David |
From: Lawhon, Edith Strickland | Thru: Lee, G Valton |
From: Lee, Gaston | Thru: Lee, Manuel Creighton |
From: Lee, Marchea A | Thru: Lee, William R |
From: Lee, William R | Thru: Lynch, Infant |
From: Lynch, Infant | Thru: Massengill, Ila |
From: Massengill, India Johnson | Thru: Matthews, Infant |
From: Matthews, Ishmall W | Thru: McLamb, Amanda |
From: McLamb, Amanda Lee | Thru: McLamb, Roy Nelson |
From: McLamb, Roy S | Thru: Mitchel, Mable B. |
From: Mitchell, ?? | Thru: Moore, Gwen Baker |
From: Moore, H B | Thru: Morgan, Mable L |
From: Morgan, Malinda Smith | Thru: Narron, A Cleveland |
From: Narron, A J | Thru: Norris, James H |
From: Norris, James H | Thru: Oliver, J C |
From: Oliver, J. C. | Thru: Parker, Enna Frances |
From: Parker, Esther Langdon | Thru: Parker, Winfred Owen |
From: Parker, Winnie Brown | Thru: Parrish, Millard |
From: Parrish, Millard T | Thru: Pearce, Jesse |
From: Pearce, Jesse Brodus | Thru: Perry, Nancy Parrish |
From: Perry, Nannie | Thru: Pittman, Bertha I |
From: Pittman, Betsy Pope | Thru: Pollard, W. Beal |
From: Pollard, W. Henry | Thru: Price, Alton Durham |
From: Price, Ann | Thru: Radford, Eveline |
From: Radford, Franklin J | Thru: Reaves, Ila Strickland |
From: Reaves, Infant | Thru: Richardson, Sarah Evelyn |
From: Richardson, Sarah Pierce | Thru: Rose, Mille Ann |
From: Rose, Minnie Radford | Thru: Sanders, Elizabeth Caning "Lizzie" |
From: Sanders, Elizabeth P | Thru: Scarboro, Isaac |
From: Scarboro, Lane | Thru: Smith, Ed |
From: Smith, Edma Earle | Thru: Smith, Sallie Giles |
From: Smith, Sallie Gulley | Thru: Stallings, Alcie |
From: Stallings, Allie P | Thru: Stanley, Bennie W |
From: Stanley, Bessie Ellen Allen | Thru: Starling, Paul Harold Sr |
From: Starling, Pauline P. | Thru: Stephenson, Newit E |
From: Stephenson, Nimeon | Thru: Stewart, W W |
From: Stewart, W, Nazro | Thru: Strickland, Sallie E |
From: Strickland, Sallie Raynor | Thru: Talton, Minnie Duncan |
From: Talton, Nancy Watson | Thru: Temple, Florence |
From: Temple, Floyd Ransom | Thru: Thompson, Uriah |
From: Thompson, Victoria | Thru: Toole, Annie B |
From: Toole, Donzie R. | Thru: Unknown, Unknown |
From: Unknown, Unknown | Thru: Walker, Nathaniel |
From: Walker, Nellie | Thru: Ward, M Ransom |
From: Ward, Mabel A | Thru: Weaver, Martha |
From: Weaver, Martha A. Johnson | Thru: Westbrook, Wilbert Henry |
From: Westbrook, William Clifton | Thru: Whitley, Walter M |
From: Whitley, Watlon | Thru: Wilkins, Sidney |
From: Wilkins, Simeon | Thru: Williford, Cassie P |
From: Williford, Charles E., Sr. | Thru: Wood, Joseph Edgar |
From: Wood, Joseph Hooper | Thru: Woodard, Effie M |
From: Woodard, Elijah P | Thru: Wrenn, John T |
From: Wright, Ben Lee | Thru: Zollicoffer, Irene Baker |
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Web page created 27 July 2023