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458 LYON CEMETERY [Cornelious]
Location - off Hobgood Rd. Berea Community.
Directuins: Drive past Berea on Hwy 158W; turn right onto Hobgood Rd; go 0.2 mile, turn right t n old home site and follow fhe edge of the woods; bearing left onto a path. Follow the path for about 100 uards qnd cut acriss to the power kine (about 20 yards). Follow the power lins for about 400 yards. Bear right through the woods crossing an old creek bed for 40 - 50 yards. This black cemetery is to the left on a ridge.
4 Unmarked graves.
Canvassed by Keith Williams, Jessie McLam, Bonnie Vreedlove, May 2008.
Lyon, Cornelious (b. Abt 1854 - d. 26 Oct 1926)
Lyon, Mother (b. 1913 - d. 1952)
Web page updated 6 July 2023
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