Alphabetical List of Granville County Burials
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From: Abbitt, Edward Ballou | Thru: Allen, Eugene |
From: Allen, Eula F. O'Briant | Thru: Averett, Ewell Buxton, Jr. "Buck" |
From: Averett, Fannie L. | Thru: Barnes, Bill |
From: Barnes, Cleo A | Thru: Blackley, Beulah Woodlief |
From: Blackley, Blanche Latta | Thru: Bowles, W. L. "Fate" |
From: Bowles, Willie May | Thru: Braswell, Harvey |
From: Braswell, Infant | Thru: Brown, Annie Blalock |
From: Brown, Bruce Horton | Thru: Bullock, Mildred Amelia Walker |
From: Bullock, Mildred S. | Thru: Callahan, G. T. |
From: Callahan, Grace Jane | Thru: Cash, Luther Rufus, Jr. |
From: Cash, Mabel Clair Woodlief | Thru: Cheatham, Ohester C. |
From: Cheatham, Pauline T. | Thru: Clement, Sam Fleming |
From: Clement, T. D. | Thru: Cotton, George |
From: Cottrell, Ada Dixon | Thru: Crews, Parthenia H. Heggie |
From: Crews, Pattie H. | Thru: Currin, Fornie Cannady |
From: Currin, Frances Pruitt | Thru: Daniel, Alease J. |
From: Daniel, Alfred Marsh | Thru: Daniel,, Joseph M., Sr. |
From: Daniel,, Sylvester, Sr. | Thru: Dean, Jim Bailey |
From: Dean, John | Thru: Downey, Beatrice Bailey |
From: Downey, Beatrice G. Willard | Thru: Ellington, Nancy K. |
From: Ellington, Nora R. | Thru: Evans, Glendora |
From: Evans, Harriet Nancy Arrington | Thru: Floyd, Mattie Brown |
From: Floyd, Pleasant H. | Thru: Fuller, Macha Currin |
From: Fuller, Mamie D. | Thru: Gooch, Garland B. |
From: Gooch, Garland E. | Thru: Green, Mattie |
From: Green, Mattie Parker Wilson | Thru: Gupton, Robert Arnold |
From: Gupton, Theodore Roosevelt "Teddy" | Thru: Harris, L. L. |
From: Harris, Laudie | Thru: Hawley, Otho |
From: Hawley, Ruby? | Thru: Hicks, Eva Holsonback |
From: Hicks, Evelyn Crews | Thru: Hobgood, Nannie Shepherd Adcock |
From: Hobgood, Nathaniel D. | Thru: Howell, Josephine M. |
From: Howell, Julia B | Thru: Hunt, Susan Stem |
From: Hunt, Texial | Thru: Johne, Willie Daye |
From: Johnson, Angel Allison | Thru: Jones, Ray Charles |
From: Jones, Raymond G. | Thru: King, Nicholas |
From: King, Nora Lee | Thru: Lawrence, Ella |
From: Lawrence, Ella A. | Thru: Longmire, Sarah M. |
From: Longmire, Thomas Young | Thru: Mangum, Eris Elmer |
From: Mangum, Eris Elmer | Thru: McCaden, Mattie L. |
From: McCaden, Willie Lee | Thru: Milton, Judy Catherine Cole |
From: Milton, Mamie G. | Thru: Moore, Tonnie R. Waller |
From: Moore, Vera Englebright | Thru: Moss, Susan Ann Connell |
From: Moss, Tazzie B. | Thru: Newton, Minnie |
From: Newton, Minnie A. | Thru: Oakes, Beatrice H. |
From: Oakes, Charles Arthur | Thru: Owen, Rufus G. |
From: Owen, Thomas Harvey | Thru: Paschall, Herbert A. |
From: Paschall, Herbert T. | Thru: Person, Irene N. |
From: Person, Lou J. Macon | Thru: Preddy, Christopher W. |
From: Preddy, Corrina | Thru: Ray, Roy Wayne |
From: Ray, Samuel Buckner | Thru: Roberts, Sallie Vera Newton |
From: Roberts, Sally | Thru: Royster, Katie Lee |
From: Royster, Katie Lee | Thru: Savage, Donald Richard, Sr |
From: Sawyer, Max D. | Thru: Slaughter, Mary Fleming |
From: Slaughter, Mary P. Ayscue | Thru: Spicer, Carrie Elizabeth Hicks |
From: Spicer, Elizabeth | Thru: Suitt, Mabel H. |
From: Suitt, Mamie S. | Thru: Thomas, Rosa McKinney |
From: Thomas, Sallie Burwell | Thru: Tingen, Wiley Lewis |
From: Tingen, William S. | Thru: Unknown, Adult Unmarked Grave |
From: Unknown, Adult Unmarked Grave | Thru: Veazey, Elvira I. |
From: Veazey, Ernie T. | Thru: Watkins, Lillian M. |
From: Watkins, Lizzie Hart | Thru: Wheeler, Minnie Piper |
From: Wheeler, Mollie E. | Thru: Wilkerson, Odell |
From: Wilkerson, Otha | Thru: Williamson, William Henry |
From: Williamston, Birdie V. | Thru: Wood, Clarence H. |
From: Wood, Edna White | Thru: Yancey, Lola B. |
From: Yancey, Lucy Weary | Thru: Zook, Lorrie Ann |
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Web page created 25 March 2025