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440 BULLOCK FAMILY (Tally Ho Rd)
Location - off Tally Ho Rd about 0.2 mile fron Sanders Rd.
Coordinates: 36d 12m 44.3s N; 78d 42m 27.3s W Click here for Online Maps
Directions: From the caution light in Stem, NC, drive toward Oxford on East Tally Ho Rd. for 1.1 mi. East Tally Ho Rd. turns into Sanders Rd. Turn left off Sanders Rd. on to Tally Ho Rd. Drive 0.2 miles; the cemetery is on the right in the cutover.
All information documented for this cemetery has been provided by family member Barbara Elliott. One engraved stone (JBK) was found when the Granville County Genealogical Society surveyed it several years ago but seems to be lost at the present time. The cemetery was surveyed by DOT in 1989 and at that time and now also, approximately 100 graves were noted.
Surveyed by Bonnie Breedlove and Sarah Caviness, April, 2017.
Bullock, Ann Cook(e) (b. 1752 - d. 1815)
Wife of Joshua Bullock. Sister of Richard Donaldson Cook(e)
Bullock, Charles (Pvt.) (b. 1757 - d. 13 Oct 1841)
Son of James and Sarah Bullock. Husband of Rebecca Bailey Bullock. (Rev War)
Bullock, Ellender Phillips (b. 1765 - d. 1826)
believed to be the Wife of Jeremiah Bullock.
Bullock, George W. (b. 1770 - d. 22 May 1845)
Son of James and Sarah Bullock
Bullock, Henry Asbury (b. 1826 - d. 1899/1900)
Bullock, James "JBK" (b. 1723 - d. 8 Nov 1782)
Possibly buried in this cemetery per a family member.
Bullock, James (Capt.) (b. 1780 - d. 10 Nov 1848)
Son of Charles Bullock and Rebecca Bailey Bullock. Mill owner. Both banks at the mill were owned by James Bullock and he ferried people across the water. This is the reason for Capt in his name (per family member).
Bullock, James Jr. (b. 1769 - d. 3 Jan 1823)
Son of James and Sarah Bullock. Husband of Mary Catherine Phillips Bullock
Bullock, Jeremiah (Lieut.) (b. 1749 - d. 11 Feb 1815)
Son of James and Sarah Bullock. (Rev War)
Bullock, Joshua (Ens.) (b. 1751 - d. 1815)
believed to be the Son of James and Sarah Bullock. (Rev War)
Bullock, Mary "Polly" Freeman (b. 1778 - d. 8 Jun 1850)
Bullock, Mary Catherine Phillips (b. 1770 - d. 1850)
Wife of James Bullock Jr.
Bullock, Melinda Bledsoe (b. 1796 - d. 3 Jan 1840)
Wife of Capt. James Bullock; born in Wake County
Bullock, Mildred Amelia Walker (b. 15 Jan 1784 - d. 1 May 1838)
Wife of Richard Bullock; "Milly"
Bullock, Rebecca Bailey (b. 1760 - d. Bef 1824)
Bullock, Richard (b. 12 Oct 1781 - d. 19 Oct 1841)
Son of Joshua Bullock and Ann Cooke Bullock. First Postmaster for Tally Ho. (per family member - the tale is that Richard was going to marry his housekeeper and his children objected to the marriage so one of his sons shot him thru a window while he was holding grandson William Carr)
Bullock, Sarah (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Possibly 1st Wife of Samuel Bullock
Bullock, Sarah Webb (b. 1726 - d. 1804)
believed to be the Wife of James Bullock.
Cook(e), Priscilla Bullock (b. 3 Sep 1753 - d. 22 Sep 1777)
1st Wife of Richard Donaldson Cook(e). Daughter of James and Sarah Webb Bullock
Cook(e), Richard Donaldson (b. 23 Mar 1748 - d. Aug 1811)
Hudbans of Priscilla Bullock Cook(e)
Web page updated 16 April 2021
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