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Location - off Chewning Rd. near 3685 Chewning Rd.
Coordinates: 36d 22m 54.7s N; 78d 33m 46.7s W Click here for Online Maps
Directions: From the intersection of the Oxford Loop Rd. (US 158) and US-15, take US-15 north for 2.9 miles. Turn right onto Chewning Rd., and continue for 1.9 miles. Cemetery is on the left, on the farm path beside the house with address of 3685 Chewning Rd. Go about 150 yds; before you get to the cutover for the power line there are 2 large chimneys in the woods on the right; the cemetery is in the woods north of these chimneys (all that is left of the old house).
This plantation is referred to as Woodlawn and Ravenwood in early records. The family cemetery was recorded by WPA in 1939 (Woodlawn). Pressley Davis of Abrams Plains recorded and mapped it at a later date (Chewning-Lanier). Kitty Humphries recorded it 4-20-1980 (Hicks).
Jessie McLam & Kitty Humphries visited this cemetery for the Granville County Genealogy Society on 2-13- 2002. The data listed is a combination of previous recordings & family data. Cemetery is in poor shape, and has been vandalized. Photos taken April 2011 by Joey Dickerson & Mildred Goss (GCGS).
Chewning, John Granville (b. Abt 1883 - d. 1899)
Age 16 yrs. (Said to have died from rabies)
Chewning, Martha Lanier (b. 21 Sep 1856 - d. 4 Apr 1944)
Daughter of Marcus V. Lanier and Lucretia Hicks Lanier. Fallen marker.
Chewning, Martha Lucretia (b. Abt 1884 - d. 1901)
Age (16)6 yrs 7 mo. Note - John & Martha are the children of Martha Lanier Chewning and Edward Chewning. (married 31 Jan 1881)
Goodwin, Sallie J. Hicks (b. 17 Jun 1839 - d. 3 Apr 1866)
Daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John R. Hicks. Born at Woodlawn, died at Ravenswood. Fallen marker.
Hicks, Alexander Smith (b. 6 Mar 1830 - d. 22 Jun 1852)
Lawyer. Son of Dr. John R. Hicks and Jane Smith Downey Hicks.
Hicks, Jane Smith Downey (b. 4 Apr 1802 - d. 9 Feb 1871)
Wife of Dr. John R. Hicks (married 25 Dec 1828 in Granville County). Daughter of James A. Downey and Elizabeth Smith Downey of Abrams Plains.
Hicks, John R. (Dr.) (b. 22 Sep 1800 - d. 15 May 1877)
Doctor. Husband of Jane Smith Downey Hicks.
Lanier, Lucius (b. - d. 19 Apr 1899)
Lawyer. Son of Marcus V. Lanier & Lucretia Hicks Lanier. Fallen marker.
Lanier, Lucretia R. Hicks (b. - d. 4 Apr 1866)
Wife of Marcus V. Lanier (He married Elizabeth ______ after her death; he is buried in Elmwood in Oxford.
Smith, Mollie J. Hicks (b. 17 Jan 1841 - d. 11 Oct 1864)
Youngest Daughter of Dr. & Mrs. John R. Hicks. Born at Woodlawn, died at Ravenswood.
Unknown, Unknown (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Web page updated 16 April 2021
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