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Location - on Fox Run Farm Rd, near Graham Hobgood Rd and Bodie Currin Rd.
Coordinates: 36d 21m 15.3s N; 78d 40m 21.4s W Click here for Online Maps
Directions: From intersection of Oxford Loop Rd. (US-158) & NC 96, take hwy 96 north for 2.2 miles. Take a left onto Cornwall Rd. Take an immediate right onto Bodie Currin Rd. Keep straight for 2.7 miles to stop sign. Cross the Graham Hobgood Rd. into the Fox Run Farm Rd. Cemetery is behind the last house on the farm path. In 2016, Tommy Brooks lives in that house.
There are 6-8 unmarked graves with only fieldstones. Cemetery is in good condition enclosed by a chain link fence.
Surveyed and photos taken by Joey Dickerson & Mildred Goss. (GCGS) in February 2011. Updates by Allen Dew in January 2016.
Brooks, Elizabeth Jane Dean Sizemore (b. 31 Mar 1841 - d. 2 May 1905)
Wife of 1) William P. Sizemore and 2) Richard David Brooks. Daughter of Moses Dean and Lucinda R. Sherman Dean.
Brooks, Lula Ann (b. 7 Feb 1868 - d. 28 Apr 1898)
Daughter of Richard David Brooks and Elizabeth Jane Dean Brooks. Footstone with initials L.A.B.
Brooks, Richard David (b. 17 Oct 1845 - d. 25 Aug 1909)
Husband of Elizabeth Jane Dean Sizemore Brooks. Son of David Brooks and Frances Parker Brooks. Cpl. Co. G, 30 NC Infantry, C.S.A. Military marker.
Dean, Lucinda R. Sherman (b. 15 May 1817 - d. 8 Jun 1871)
Wife of Moses Carnal Dean. Daughter of John Sherman and Hannah Jones Sherman.
Dean, Moses Carnal, Sr. (b. 28 Jul 1814 - d. 9 May 1895)
Husband of Lucinda R. Sherman Dean. Son of Daniel Dean and Elizabeth Carnal Dean.
Sizemore, William P. (b. 1838 - d. 6 May 1864)
According to Leonard Dean, Elizabeth Jane Dean Brooks was married to William P. Sizemore, a CSA soldier (1838 - 1864). It is said he is buried in this cemetery in an unmarked grave. Corp. William P. Sizemore, Co. G (Granville Rangers) 30 NC Infantry, was killed 6 May 1864. (from
Unknown, Unknown (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Fieldstones marking unknown burials.
Web page updated 16 April 2021
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