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348 OAKLEY FAMILY (Range Rd)
Location - off Range Rd about 1.7 miles from Moriah Rd. Berea.
Coordinates: 36d 18m 04.1s N; 78d 47m 25.0s W Click here for Online Maps
Directions: drive from Oxford to Berea. Turn left on Moriah Rd. and drive 1.8 miles and turn right on Range Rd. Drive approximately 1.7 miles and park on the side of the road at a path to the right. Walk approximately 100 yds. and veer left into the woods for about 50 yds. The area is covered with periwinkle and there may be more than one fieldstone but none were visible to the canvassers.
Canvassed by Kitty Humphries, Bonnie Breedlove, Magdalene Morris, Larry Morris, April 2007.
Oakley, William Ridley (b. Abt 1813 - d. 18 Mar 1910)
Aged 96 years. A Confederate Soldier.
Web page updated 16 April 2021
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