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282 PREDDY, BERRY FAMILY (Buckingham Dr)
Location - off Buckingham Drive and off Conyers Rd and back in the woods.
Coordinates: 36d 08m 39.1s N; 78d 33m 32.1s W Click here for Online Maps
Drive from Oxford to Wilton on Hwy 96S. Turn left on Hwy 56E toward Franklinton. Turn left at Gooch's Store onto Conyers Rd. and then right on Buckingham Dr.; turn left at mailbox #2530 and stay on the path into the woods; bear right at the fork and go to the end (approx .4 mi); There is a wide streak to the right that has recently been bull- dozed through the woods - take this and go about 100 yds; a small path has been bulldozed to the left to the cemetery which is about 50 ft. into the woods.
There are several fieldstones marking unknown grave.
Canvassed by Jessie McLam and Rancher `Doc' Preddy, March 2007.
Berry and Barbary Preddy were the great great grandparents of Doc Preddy. He helped set their tombstone, and remembers having to push it in a wheelbarrow through the woods. The chain link fence surrounding the cemetery was installed by family members in the 1970s.
Thomas Banks' grave is designated by a marker stating he is a Revolutionary Patriot. He gave the land for Banks United Methodist Church on Hwy 96 north of Wilton. He married Susannah Preddy, who was, some say, his 5th wife. (Information from Rancher `Doc' Preddy)
The memorial marker in front of Banks United Methodist Church states "Thomas Banks Founder of Banks United Meth Church; Revolutionary Patriot; B - 1709 Va, D - 1789 Granville County. Is buried in Berry Priddy Cemetery, belonging to family of his 3rd wife Susannah Priddy Banks who left for Texas with son Thomas, d. enroute, was returned here for burial next to Thomas Sr. Plaque erected by Banks Asso., Thomas G. Banks, Okla, Pres. 1974."
Banks, Thomas (b. 1709 - d. 1789)
Preddy, Alexander A. (b. 13 Oct 1826 - d. 7 Mar 1886)
Husband of Louvenia Preddy
Preddy, Barbary (b. 1800 - d. Unknown)
Preddy, Berry (b. 1796 - d. Unknown)
Husband of Barbary Preddy
Preddy, Louvenia (b. 4 Feb 1830 - d. 29 Jul 1911)
Wife of Alexander A. Preddy
Preddy, William Jesse (b. 1 Jul 1868 - d. 2 Aug 1918)
Tippett, Infant (b. 27 Feb 1904 - d. 27 Feb 1904)
Daughter of F.D. and T.J. Tippett
Web page updated 16 April 2021
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