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Location - off of Jack Yancey Rd (SR-1451) on the west side of the old Jack Yancey house.
Coordinates: 36d 32m 10.5s N; 78d 37m 13.0s W Click here for Online Maps
This cemetery is located off Jack Yancey Road to the west of the old Jack Yancey house. The only stone there is a CSA tombstone for Alfred (Allie) S. Clack. He died in 1913. There was also a large pile of rocks that were beside his gravesite. These rocks may indicate other burials, but there were no other grave markers found.
Directions: From Stovall take Cedar Lane (SR-1430) west and turn right onto Grassy Creek Rd (SR-1431). Proceed north on Grassy Creek Rd. several miles and turn right onto Grassy Creek Rd just before it becomes Grassy Creek Virgilina Rd (SR-1400). Bear left to keep on Grassy Creek Rd and proceed to Jack Yancey Rd (SR-1451) on your right. Proceed to the end of Jack Yancy Rd and turn left into the private drive.
The cemetery is on private property and you will need permission from the owner to enter. The cemetery is in the woods to the west of the house about 100 yards from the house.
Reported by Christopher Clack in June 2009 with a photograph.
Clack, Alfred Sterling (Allie) (b. 20 Aug 1834 - d. 1913)
Husband of Geneva Ann (Minnie) Yancey Clack. She is buried at Grassy Creek Baptist Church with several of their children. Marker shows Co. B, 12th NC Infantry, C.S.A. However he spent most of the Civil War with Co. I, 23rd NC Infantry. Enlisted as a private on 8 July 1862 at age 31 and served until Lee's surrender.
Web page updated 16 April 2021
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