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226 JONES FAMILY (Otha Mangum Rd)
Location - on Otha Mangum Rd. about 8/10 mile from Lyons Station Rd.
Coordinates: 36d 10m 36.4s N; 78d 43m 41.9s W Click here for Online Maps
Directions: From Creedmoor drive toward Butner for 2.6 mi; turn right on West Lyons Station Rd. and drive 2 miles. Turn left onto Otha Mangum Rd. and drive approximately 8/10 mile. The cemetery is located on the left in the woods. It is identifiable as a cemetery but is not maintained.
Canvassed by Bonnie Breedlove, Sandra Aiken, Jessie McLam and Mildred Goss, April 2001.
Photographs by Mildred Goss in January 2010.
Note: Charles William Farabow has stated that there have been two more inscribed gravestones in this cemetery that are not there now. The names inscribed on them are Jones, William, son of Young Jones and Jones, Elizabeth Jane, daughter of Young Jones who died at age 16 of scarlet fever.
3 Fieldstones
Beasley, Infant (b. 25 Oct 1887 - d. 27 Dec 1887)
Son of J.O. and M.E. Beasley
Jones, Elizabeth Jane (b. - d. )
Daughter of Young and Mary Jane Jones. died at age 16 of scarlet fever. (gravestone not found in 2001)
Jones, Mary Jane O'Brien (b. abt 1837 - d. 21 Jul 1907)
Wife of Young Jones. Age 70 yrs. Closeup of stone.
Jones, William (b. - d. )
Son of Young and Mary Jane Jones. (gravestone not found in 2001)
Jones, Young (b. abt 1815 - d. 23 Apr 1899)
Husband of Mary Jane O'Brien Jones. Age 84 yrs
Web page updated 16 April 2021
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