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All About The Cemetery Survey
--- WELCOME ---
This is the Internet Web edition of the Cemetery Survey of Granville County North Carolina. It is brought to you by the Cemetery Census. We hope you will find it
user-friendly and useful. We will be adding "newly discovered" cemeteries and updating cemetery location and other information from time
to time.
If you note any problems with using this data please advise Cemetery Census. If in your use of the data you note any errors, missing entries for any
cemetery, changes needed to any data entry, or older cemeteries, family burial
grounds or individual gravesites not included in this survey that you have
information or personal knowledge about, please write to Cemetery Census at this
Cemetery Census
3230 Walters Rd
Creedmoor, NC 27522-8641
Or contact Cemetery Census by Email at: Cemetery Census
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This web site Copyright (c) 1996-2021, Cemetery Census. All Rights Reserved
Reproduction, adaptation or alteration without prior written permission of
Cemetery Census is prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws.
Cemetery Census shall not be liable for errors
contained in this material, or for incidential or consequential damage in
connection with the data herein.
You are invited and encouraged to read the following summary of the origin of
this data and how it came to be here today.
We suggest that you read this summary at least once, probably before
starting to use the data, as it contains important information that may bear on
your research.
WHERE THE CEMETERY DATA WAS ACQUIREDThis cemetery survey data was a part of the Granville County Cemetery Survey done by the Granville County Genealogical Society, under the leadership of Mildred Currin Goss, President of the Society.
The members of the Granville County Genealogical Society 1746, Inc., are happy to have catalogued over 150 cemeteries in Granville County. Progress has been slow due to members having to fulfill their job and family requirements. The finished product is worth the wait. Interest is still at an all time high as we find more old family cemeteries that have been forgotten down in the back woods until someone asks the question "do you know where the old burying ground is located" of a certain family. The hunters of Granville County have been very helpful in locating forgotten cemeteries that they find when hunting wild game in the county.
We have included information that people are looking for, such as specific directions to the cemeteries. We show names as they appear on the stones. We cannot be responsible for errors made on the stones. We have included the birth and death dates, name, relationship and military service, if noted on each stone. We have used all known ways of bringing out dates and other information on these stones. We have read these stones to the best of our ability and cannot be responsible if an error is found. Finding markers and reading them has become an art of the practiced and trained eye of the people listed below. Some of these stones are 200 or more years old. We have noted when there is a difference in the dates from previous cemetery listings such as the WPA survey that was done in 1939.
A couple of the most famous tombstones in the survey are:
the John Penn Cemetery located in northern Granville County three miles east of the village of Stovall. John Penn was one of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.
the stone of Luther C. Wilkerson, first Scoutmaster in North Carolina for Troop #1. He is buried in the Stovall Baptist Church Cemetery in Stovall. Many thanks go to the following people for their help in cataloguing the cemeteries. They are:
Karen J. Edwards | Lyndsay Hester | James Breedlove | Lizzie Pittard | Carrie Belle Gillis | Peggy Capps | Roger Gillis | Clara Arnold | Shirley Glasgow | Carrie Frances Averett | Mary McGhee | Leonard Dean | Bonnie Breedlove | Hazel Currin | Sandra Aiken | Dot Wilkinson | Jean Morgan | Rudy Moe | Sarah Caviness | Herbert T. Wilson | Mary Ann Hester | Mildred Goss | Jessie McLam | Genie Jenkins | K. Stark | Kitty Humphries | Isaac Clark | Dick and Julia Ann Taylor | Cynthia Blackley | Barbara Dillard | Velvet Satterwhite | Dorothy Wilkinson | Mary McGhee | Edythe Day | Sandra Webb | Emma Lou Day | Pam Gong | Betty Jean King | Polly Hart | Peggy Capps | Shirley Pritchett | Willie Winston | Ann Veazey Davis | Wayne Davis |
These dedicated people went out in freezing weather, through fields, briars, honeysuckle, climbed through fences, bamboo vines, crossed small streams, etc to get the job done. They have endured red bugs, ticks, and tons of mosquitoes cataloguing these cemeteries. They have been on bended knees reading inscriptions, uncovering stones covered with periwinkle, honeysuckle and fallen leaves.
We encourage you to continue to show interest in our cemetery project by letting us know the location of cemeteries that we do not know about.
Undoubtedly without the hard work of Bonnie Breedlove this cemetery list would not be in existence. She has spent untold hours typing, proofing, drawing the cemeteries, going back to make sure everything was just right. Many, many thanks Bonnie.
Allen Dew, a computer professional, spent many hours preparing the database program that presents the information in a readily accessible manner. Allen coordinated the acquisition of the material and performed certain manual editing tasks necessary to make the material easier to use. A capability exists to add additional cemeteries and graves to the database in the future. Allen Dew has and continues to maintain the cemetery database. He may be reached at: Cemetery Census or by mail at Cemetery Census, 3230 Walters Rd, Creedmoor, NC 27522-8641 Allen has begun adding pictures of grave markers and cemeteries to the database. The pictures display a graphic PHOTO before each name listed. The graphic PHOTO may be clicked to show a large, high resolution, picture.
--- UPDATES ---
12 Jan 2006 - Initial release of the cemetery data for cemeteries - 001 Cannady Family Cemetery 4 Sep 2006 - Added all the cemeteries in Books 1 and 2 published by G.C.G.S. 7 Nov 2007 - Added all the cemeteries in Book 3 published by G.C.G.S.
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Web page updated 16 April 2021
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