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Location - off Ward Gap Rd and down a dirt road near the junction of Sealy's Creek and Jacob's Fork..
This cemetery is not marked but memorial markers were errected for those belived to buried there.
Follow basic directions for Mt. Gilead Baptist Church. Cemetery is off Ward Gap Road, about 0.9 miles, cross Sealys Creek and go 0.3 miles, turn left on dirt road, walk about 200 feet down the road into the woods, junction of Sealy's Creek and Jacob's Fork.
The WPA survey listed only a few graves marked and believed to be about 85 graves. WPA listed Nicholas Chapman (1758-1851), George Sealy, James Swofford, Revoluntinary Soldiers as being buried here. Micholas Chapman and George Sealy now have markers in Place. The other persons believed to be buried here are listed below. Names were submitted by Mary Lou Chapman Mull, Louella Wilson, Thomas C. Chapman (author of the Chapman Book), Cynthia Wilson Pitt. Some stones are not readable and some only marked by indentifiable marks. Relatives have placed markers.
Survey provided by Jack Hall in July 2010.
Jones, Elsy (Elsie) Sealy (b. - d. )
Wife of William Jones. Daughter of George and Alice Sealy.
Sealy, Alice (b. 1746 - d. 1811)
Wellman, Abb (b. - d. )
Last person buried in cemetery about 1900
Wright, Susan Hoyle (b. - d. )
Wife of Tiley York. Daughter of Absolom and Mary Hoyle.
York, W. Riley (b. - d. 1805)
Only date is 1805. Son of Old William and Catherine York.
Web page updated 6 July 2021
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