Alphabetical List of Burke County Burials
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From: Abbe, Ollie Estelle | Thru: Acuff, Millie Jean Powell |
From: Adams, Carrie | Thru: Andrews, Columbus |
From: Andrews, Floye G. | Thru: Avery, Mary Lou |
From: Avery, Mary W. | Thru: Ballengee, Katherine Chattin |
From: Ballentine, Callie | Thru: Barus, Henrietta Jacumin |
From: Barus, John P. | Thru: Benfield, Cary Lester |
From: Benfield, Catherine W. | Thru: Berry, Emma McCall |
From: Berry, Ernest Plato | Thru: Biggerstaff, Winnie Wise |
From: Biggerstaff, Woodrow W. | Thru: Boone, Isabella |
From: Boone, Joe Eugene | Thru: Bradshaw, Jane |
From: Bradshaw, Jimmy Ray | Thru: Bridges, Ervin Ray |
From: Bridges, Espey Moore | Thru: Brittain, Katie |
From: Brittain, Katie Mae | Thru: Brown, Martha Levina |
From: Brown, Martha M. | Thru: Buff, Vergie Leatherman |
From: Buff, Virgil Jones | Thru: Bush, Thurman J. |
From: Busic, Gidd W. | Thru: Cannon, Edith M. |
From: Cannon, Edward Riddle | Thru: Carswell, Infant |
From: Carswell, Infant Twins | Thru: Causby, Flora B. |
From: Causby, Florence B. | Thru: Chapman, Stephen Allen, Rev. |
From: Chapman, Susie Freeborn | Thru: Clark, Edward R. Sr. |
From: Clark, Edward Restus Jr. | Thru: Cline, Frances K. |
From: Cline, Francis Hildred | Thru: Coffey, Virginia Woodie |
From: Coffey, Vivian Ogle | Thru: Connelly, Samuel |
From: Connelly, Sarah | Thru: Cooper, Richard Steve |
From: Cooper, Robert Theodore | Thru: Craig, Forest E. |
From: Craig, George Marshall | Thru: Curtis, Jacob S. |
From: Curtis, James H. | Thru: Dameron, Ruby Hazel Franklin |
From: Dameron, Vance J. | Thru: Deal, Robert S. |
From: Deal, Rosa Lee Rector | Thru: Derfert, Marie |
From: Derke, Erwin | Thru: Duckworth, Marvin Jr. |
From: Duckworth, Marvin T. | Thru: Eller, Annie Fox |
From: Eller, Babara Jean | Thru: Ervin, Lucille Virginia |
From: Ervin, Mable Odell Moore | Thru: Faulkner, Hattie Ola |
From: Faulkner, Infant | Thru: Forgy, Byron |
From: Forhan, Marie Noel Loranger | Thru: Franklin, Horace Lee |
From: Franklin, Hubert L. | Thru: Fulbright, Perry L. |
From: Fulbright, Rosa Lee | Thru: George, D. S. |
From: George, Louise Walton Boggs | Thru: Golloway, Francis E. |
From: Golloway, Hope McAlpine | Thru: Gregorius, Peter |
From: Gregory, Bertie Shelton | Thru: Hallburton, Fannie Simpson |
From: Haller, Lacy Medlin | Thru: Harris, Alexander T. |
From: Harris, Alma G. | Thru: Hayworth, Henriet |
From: Hayworth, Henriet Martha | Thru: Henson, Joseph Dale |
From: Henson, Junie | Thru: Hildebrand, Infant |
From: Hildebrand, Infant | Thru: Holland, Mary Jane |
From: Holland, Nora E. | Thru: Hoyle, Franklin D. |
From: Hoyle, Geneva Ritchie | Thru: Huffman, Columbus R. |
From: Huffman, Connie M. | Thru: Hunt, Eliza A. |
From: Hunt, Fred | Thru: Ivester, John E. |
From: Ivester, Loyd A. | Thru: Johnson, Julius J. |
From: Johnson, Junior | Thru: Keaton, Toni Louise |
From: Keaton, Walter Hill | Thru: Kincaid, Mary I. |
From: Kincaid, Mary Jane | Thru: Lafevers, J. R. |
From: Lafevers, Jack D. | Thru: Landis, Margaret Walton |
From: Landon, J. Hurst | Thru: LeFevers, Etta "Bee" |
From: LeFevers, Gladys R. | Thru: Loftin, Sara |
From: Loftis, Bessie L. | Thru: Lowman, Horace Winfred |
From: Lowman, Howard Preston "Buddy" | Thru: Mace, Indiana "Annie" Belle |
From: Mace, Infant | Thru: Mathews, John Calvin |
From: Mathews, Larry | Thru: McCurry, Virginia |
From: McCurry, W. Edgar | Thru: McGimsey, James Frank |
From: McGimsey, James G. | Thru: Melton, Vera Poteat |
From: Mendez, Miguel Diego | Thru: Mitchell, Buddy |
From: Mitchell, Bunie P. | Thru: Moore, William L. |
From: Moore, William Peter | Thru: Mull, Ada Amanda Hawkins |
From: Mull, Alfred B. | Thru: Mullinex, Goldie S. |
From: Mullinex, Rex S. | Thru: Norton, Sarah A. |
From: Norvell, Jerome T. | Thru: Padgett, Esther L. |
From: Padgett, James R. "Jim" | Thru: Pascal, Silvio Jeffrey |
From: Pascal, Susanne Pons | Thru: Pearson, Nathan A. |
From: Pearson, Nelson Patton | Thru: Philbeck, Nimrod Fernelson |
From: Philbeck, Panthia Lucenia | Thru: Pons, Margaret W. |
From: Pons, Marianne Garrou | Thru: Powell, Flora |
From: Powell, Florence A. | Thru: Prince, Margaret Ellen |
From: Prince, Mary Burns | Thru: Puett, Thomas E. |
From: Puett, Thomas Edgar | Thru: Rector, Gordon |
From: Rector, Grover William | Thru: Rhyne, Pearl L. |
From: Rhyne, Robert E. | Thru: Rockett, Nolan S. |
From: Rockett, Ola May | Thru: Ross, Nina Corpening |
From: Ross, Nona Bollinger | Thru: Sanders, Mamie Y. |
From: Sanders, Marshall G. | Thru: Secrest, Robert Lee |
From: Secrest, Samuel M. | Thru: Sherrill, Annie Blanch Simpson |
From: Sherrill, Archie. Eugene "Gene" | Thru: Shuping, Thomas M. |
From: Shuping, Todd N. | Thru: Small, Bertie Clontz |
From: Small, Brenda Kay | Thru: Smith, Gravis M. |
From: Smith, Green H. | Thru: Smith, Robert A. |
From: Smith, Robert A. | Thru: Spencer, Cyrus Albert |
From: Spencer, Darrell A. | Thru: Stephens, Hettie W. |
From: Stephens, Howard Ray | Thru: Sudderth, William H. |
From: Sudderth, Williams S. | Thru: Tate, Franklin Pierce |
From: Tate, Fred | Thru: Thomas, Eugene |
From: Thomas, Florence | Thru: Treadway, Paul C. |
From: Treadway, William H. | Thru: Vernon, James Taylor Dr. |
From: Vernon, James Wilson | Thru: Walker, Tilman R. |
From: Walker, Troy Lee | Thru: Waters, Bessie L. |
From: Waters, Calvin W. | Thru: Welch, Howard Franklin |
From: Welch, J. C. | Thru: Whisenant, W. Dan |
From: Whisenant, W. Glenn | Thru: Whitson, Jane |
From: Whitt, Claude E. | Thru: Williams, Margaret B. |
From: Williams, Margaret Hennessee | Thru: Wilson, Lalena |
From: Wilson, Larry W. | Thru: Woodie, Clora C. |
From: Woodie, Edith L. | Thru: Young, Edna T. |
From: Young, Eli Pinkney | Thru: Zimmerman, Winnie |
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Web page created 25 November 2023