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Location - on a dirt road off Tomlinson Loop Rd and Shady Grove Rd.
From Connelly Springs go East on Hwy 70 for 1/2 mile to Shady Grove road. Turn left and travel 1.3 miles to the cross roads of 1613 and 1614. Continue north on Tomlinson Loop road for .9 mile to the Tomlinson house. Turn right on a dirt road and go .7 mile to where the Glass farm house was located. The graves are located .2 mile from were the house was located near a dirt road going to the river, on a ridge in a flat area near some very large trees
Survey provided by Jack Hall in July 2010.
Brittain, Rachel Ann (b. 1 Nov 1935 - d. 13 Apr 2012)
Daughter of Ivey Crawley and Ora Glascoe Crawley. Kirksey Funeral Home
Web page updated 6 July 2021
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