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Location - on the Crafton Farm about 0.8 mile from Miller Mill Rd..
Travel I-40 east from Morganton exit 118, turn right on Old Hwy 10, go about 0.8 miles and turn left on Johnson Bridge Rd., go about 3.8 miles to George Hildebran School Rd., turn right and go about 0.5 miles to Miller Mill Rd., turn right, go about 0.4 miles to Grace and Truth Baptist Church, turn right on gravel road in front of church and go about 0.4 miles to end of road. The cemetery is on the Crafton Farm and is located above the Burns Ford on a hillside. No stones mark the graves.
Survey provided by Jack Hall in July 2010.
Burns, Betty Lowman (b. - d. )
2nd. Wife of Nicholas Burns, known to be buried here per family story book
Burns, Martin (b. - d. )
Son of Nicholas Burns Know to be buried here per family story book
Burns, Nichoas (b. - d. )
Not marked but known to be buried here per family story book
Web page updated 6 July 2021
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