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Location - was established by St. Athanasius Protestant Episcopal Church, on it's grounds at the corner of present East Webb Avenue and West Broad Street in Burlington, NC.
Survey from the notes of Durward T. Stokes.
St. Athanasius - Church of the Holy Comforter. In 1882 in the town of Company Shops, (now the City of Burlington) a cemetery was established by St. Athanasius Protestant Episcopal Church, on it's grounds at the corner of present East Webb Avenue and West Broad Street.
In 1911, the congregation of the church moved into new and more commodious quarters elsewhere on it's property, and became the Church of the Holy Comforter. The new organization maintained the cemetery and the earlier church buildings. The old Episcopal Cemetery, as the burial ground is called, never had a large number of interments. In recent years, the Vestry of the Church decided to limit future burials to designated individuals whose families are buried in the Cemetery. When the interment of all these have taken place, the use of the plot for graves will be discontinued.
In 1963, the Church authorities had the cemetery surveyed by J. Mark McAdams, Civil Engineer. On the blueprint which he completed on Oct 19th, a copy of which hangs in the Sacristy of the Church, he mapped the cemetery in numbered plots, except for three graves near the boundary of the area. The names of those buried in the cemetery prior to that time are listed on the blueprint, without additional data, and unmarked graves are noted on the map. Later burials have been added to this list.
In the survey which follows, some of the sentimental inscriptions have been too dim to read, but the pertinent information on each stone has been accurately deciphered in almost every case beyond any doubt. The McAdams survey listed unmarked graves on each plot, but these have not been mentioned in this compilation.
According to local tradition, three circus performers or members of some kind of show troupe, who died while in the town, are buried in the cemetery. Their graves cannot be identified and their identy is unknown. In all probability, for the limited use of this burial ground, is the fact that the Episcopal congregation was small. In addition, the opening of Pine Hill Cemetery by the new City of Burlington in the late 1890's, promised upkeep from municipal funds, and relieved the dependence upon Church cemeteries, which were sometimes difficult to maintain."
Carr, Infant (b. - d. 17 Feb 1898)
son of Edson and Morgan Carr Plot 3
Cummings, Anne Elizabeth Curtis (b. 8 Oct 1844 - d. 12 Apr 1932)
Beloved wife of David William Cummings. Plot 9
Cummings, David William (b. 10 Jan 1844 - d. 17 Feb 1929)
Enlisted March 4, 1862 Co. I 5th NC Reg. North Carolina Confederate State Troops. Plot 9
Duffer, Joseph H (b. 5 Aug 1800 - d. 31 Oct 1888)
East, Lonnie H (b. 7 Sep 1895 - d. 17 Jul 1960)
Finch, William H (b. - d. )
Holt, Edna (b. 26 Jul 1909 - d. 24 Jun 1910)
Holt, Elizabeth Spencer Bill (b. 21 Mar 1883 - d. 4 Mar 1909)
Beloved wife of Lawrence S. Holt Jr. Plot 5
Holt, Emily Farish (b. 14 May 1877 - d. 13 Sep 1882)
Suffer the little children to come unto me, for of such is the Kingdom of God" Plot 5
Holt, Erwin Allen (b. 11 Nov 1873 - d. 30 May 1961)
Devoted husband of Mary Warren Davis and Laura Burwell Ballard Holt. Plot 5
Holt, Infant (b. - d. 26 Feb 1909)
son of Elizabeth Spencer Bill Holt and Lawrence S Holt Jr.
Holt, Laura Burwell Blackwell (b. 9 Jun 1876 - d. 27 Oct 1950)
Daughter of Elizabeth Ann Green and Capt. William Henry Ballard of Franklin Co., NC. Devoted mother of Charlie Richard MacGill, Mollie Macgill Halford. Most faithful wife of Erwin Allen Holt, married April 11, 1944 at the Church of the Holy Comforter. "Servant of God well done" Plot 5
Holt, Lawrence Shackleford (b. 17 May 1851 - d. 15 Jan 1937)
Holt, Lawrence Shackleford, Jr. (b. 19 Nov 1883 - d. 13 Mar 1961)
Devoted husband of Elizabeth Spencer Bill Holt and Elizabeth Lacy Chambers Holt. Plot 5
Holt, Margaret Ball (b. 19 Sep 1910 - d. 6 Oct 1911)
Holt, Margaret Locke (b. 7 Mar 1852 - d. 20 Apr 1918)
Daughter of Colonel Joseph J Erwin and Elvira Holt Erwin of Burke County, North carolina. Faithful wife of Lawrence S Holt, married April 21, 1872 in Grace Church, Morganton, NC. Loving mother of Erwin Allen Holt, Eugene Holt, Emily Farish Holt, Margaret Erwin Holt Lowry, Florence E Holt Brooks, Lawrence Shackleford Holt Jr., Bertha Hayes Holt Clark. "She died as she had lived, in the faith once delivered to the saints" Plot 5
Holt, Marion Ball (b. 19 Sep 1910 - d. 10 Oct 1910)
Hopkins, J H L (b. 18 Mar 1823 - d. 20 Nov 1902)
At rest .... A veteran of both the Mexican and Civil Wars, a loyal Mason, Odd Fellow, K of P, Red Man, J. O. U. A. M., and faithful Christian. Plot 10
Hopkins, Mary (b. 4 Mar 1844 - d. 18 Jun 1896)
In memory of .... wife of J H L Hopkins, aged 52 y 3 mo and14 d. She was a kind and affectionate wife, a fond mother and a friend to all (remainder of inscription too faint for correct reading) Plot 10
Huff, William Louis (b. - d. )
unmarked but on survey. Plot 17
Huff, William N (b. - d. )
unmarked but on survey. Plot 17
Hughes, Nora (b. 24 Oct 1888 - d. 17 Jun 1976)
Isley, Wade Hampton (b. - d. 10 Oct 1888)
son of C and L D Isley, aged 11 y 9 m 9 da. (Not on surveyed plot)
Kime, baby (b. - d. 1887)
baby of H G and K L Kime. Plot 16
Kime, baby (b. - d. 1889)
baby of H G and K L Kime. Plot 16
Moore, Infant (b. 8 Oct 1882 - d. )
son of T P and A E Moore. Plot 6
Riddle, Florah C (b. 1841 - d. 1889)
Ross, Agnew H (b. - d. )
Schoonmaker, ?? (b. - d. )
unmarked but on survey. Plot 17
Squires, Erwin M (b. 29 May 1906 - d. 3 Aug 1952)
Squires, Infant (b. - d. 20 May 1904)
daughter of J C and L E Squires. "At rest" Plot 9
Squires, Lula Cummings (b. 7 Jan 1869 - d. 19 Sep 1946)
Steele, ?? (b. 20 Mar 1888 - d. 5 Jul 1896)
daughter of S A and Nannie M Steele, aged 8 yrs., 3 mos., 6 days. Plot 9
Steele, ?? (b. 10 Mar 1888 - d. 6 Jan 1889)
daughter of S A and Nannie M Steele, aged 9 mos. 16 days. Plot 9
Steele, Allie Cummings (b. - d. )
(listed on McAdams blueprint. Stone not found) Plot 9
Steele, Alma Cummings (b. - d. )
"Dear little Alma at home with the holy angels in the blessed rest of God." Plot 9
Steele, Hazell (b. 5 Aug 1883 - d. 9 Sep 1884)
daughter of W E and V A Steele. Plot 15
Steele, Nannie Cummings (b. 16 May 1864 - d. 25 Aug 1940)
Steele, Pattie (b. 22 Aug 1884 - d. 6 Nov 1894)
daughter of W E and V A Steele. Plot 15
Steele, Rex (b. 27 Nov 1886 - d. 3 Jun 1888)
son of W E and V A Steele. Plot 15
Steele, Sidney Albert (b. 20 May 1864 - d. 18 Dec 1939)
Steele, W E (b. - d. )
(listed on McAdams blueprint but no inscribed marker found) Plot 15
Waller, Hollie P (b. 1834 - d. 1882)
Waller, Infant (b. - d. Sep 1894)
son of Zeb and Susan Waller. Plot 13
Waller, J Zeb (b. 2 Jun 1870 - d. 17 Jan 1917)
In memory of .... "The Lord seeth not as man for man looketh on the outward appearance but the Lord looketh in the Heart. I Samuel 16:7. Plot 13
Waller, Susan Ann (b. 1 May 1867 - d. 31 May 1938)
Williams, Richard Alexander (b. 1868 - d. 1937)
Williamson, Finley Lea (b. 17 Aug 1872 - d. 22 Nov 1947)
"I have fought a good fight. I have kept the faith" Plot 1
Williamson, Finley Lea, Jr. (b. 14 Mar 1900 - d. 25 Jun 1969)
Williamson, Ida Haywood Baker (b. 18 Oct 1875 - d. 22 Nov 1957)
Williamson, Virginia Holt (b. 11 Oct 1907 - d. 25 May 1963)
Web page updated 17 April 2021
Index of All Cemeteries Alphabetical Index of All Burials Previous Page