Alphabetical List of Alamance County Burials
Index of All Cemeteries Previous Page
From: A., ?? | Thru: Albright, Walter Hatch |
From: Albright, William | Thru: Allen, Stanley Lee |
From: Allen, Stella | Thru: Anderson, Richard Fenner Jr |
From: Anderson, Robena Barnwell | Thru: Apple, Clarence A |
From: Apple, Corrina L | Thru: Bailey, Rosa May |
From: Bailey, Roy M | Thru: Barber, Maude Luvinia |
From: Barber, Max Gardner | Thru: Bason, Alice Ray |
From: Bason, Alice V | Thru: Bell, Reba Johnson |
From: Bell, Richard S Jr | Thru: Blackwell, Edward Blake |
From: Blackwell, Ella R | Thru: Bolick, John Wesley |
From: Bolick, Willie Motley | Thru: Bowman, Canon Raymond Sr |
From: Bowman, Clara Turner | Thru: Braxton, Audrey N |
From: Braxton, Bertha Jones | Thru: Brothers, J Kenneth |
From: Brothers, Virginia B | Thru: Buckner, Frances A. |
From: Buckner, Frances Baldwin | Thru: Burton, Nancy Norton Holt |
From: Burton, Ressie Viola Shoffner | Thru: Capps, Beatrice Kivett |
From: Capps, Bettie | Thru: Castle, Alma Smith |
From: Castle, Gilmer I | Thru: Chandler, Nannie Mae Hart |
From: Chandler, Nina B | Thru: Christopher, Lillie Faucette |
From: Christopher, Margaret Frances Ezell | Thru: Clarke, Thomas Bayard |
From: Clarkson, Deborah Lynn Hicks | Thru: Coble, John McRae |
From: Coble, John Richard | Thru: Coleman, James E |
From: Coleman, James Everette | Thru: Cook, Nancy |
From: Cook, Nettie A | Thru: Cox, Clegg Glenn |
From: Cox, Cordelia | Thru: Crowder, David Lee |
From: Crowder, Emer Graham | Thru: Dahl, Ollie DeMoss |
From: Dail, Clarence David | Thru: Davis, Patsy Barrett |
From: Davis, Paul Clifton, Sr. | Thru: Dillard, William Bryant |
From: Dillehay, Christine Pulliam | Thru: Dodson, Robert D. |
From: Dodson, Ruth Catherine Edwards | Thru: Durham, Susie L |
From: Durham, Thelma Castle | Thru: Ellis, Fannie T |
From: Ellis, George A | Thru: Fargis, Eva S |
From: Fargis, F Raymond | Thru: Fender, Frances Whitesell |
From: Fender, James Garnet | Thru: Fogleman, Donald B. |
From: Fogleman, Dorothy Hearne | Thru: Foster, Danny W Sr |
From: Foster, Desmond A | Thru: Foust, Sarah G |
From: Foust, Susannah Hornaday | Thru: Fulcher, Mary S |
From: Fuller, Albert Andy | Thru: Garrison, Andrew Rob. |
From: Garrison, Anna E Anderson | Thru: Gerringer, John |
From: Gerringer, John H | Thru: Glosson, Bessie Lewis |
From: Glosson, Bobby Eugene | Thru: Graves, Sarah Jane |
From: Graves, Scottie Hal | Thru: Guthrie, Lawrence Scott |
From: Guthrie, Lee Mint | Thru: Hall, George W |
From: Hall, Georgia Kay | Thru: Harden, Mary White |
From: Harden, Metha S | Thru: Harvel, Lossie Lee |
From: Harvel, Madison | Thru: Henry, Annie Lee Walker Sweet |
From: Henry, Bertie | Thru: Hill, Vernon M |
From: Hill, Virginia Hornaday | Thru: Holland, Edwin Doyle |
From: Holland, Ernest Chester | Thru: Holt, Leita Morris |
From: Holt, Lemuel R | Thru: Horne, William James |
From: Horne, William M | Thru: Huffman, Jesse M |
From: Huffman, Joel P. | Thru: Huntsinger, Jamie Leigh |
From: Huntsman, Rocky O | Thru: Iseley, Walter C |
From: Iseley, William | Thru: Isley, Narva Stinson |
From: Isley, Nellie Dee Albright | Thru: Jeffreys, Annie C |
From: Jeffreys, Annie R | Thru: Johnson, Jesse |
From: Johnson, Jesse Edward | Thru: Jones, Dollie C. |
From: Jones, Donald H "Donnie" | Thru: Jordan, Herbert Michael |
From: Jordan, Hope McIntyre | Thru: Kernodle, Benjamin Eugene |
From: Kernodle, Bertha Barker | Thru: King, Esther Jane Montgomery |
From: King, Eston C | Thru: Knight, Margaret A |
From: Knight, Myrtle A | Thru: Lasley, William Winslow |
From: Lassiter, Billy F | Thru: Lewis, George W. |
From: Lewis, George W.T. | Thru: Littlejohn, Charles Jimmie |
From: Littlejohn, Felix | Thru: Love, John T |
From: Love, Josie F | Thru: Lucas, Librada Yare |
From: Lucas, Lois Ingold | Thru: Maness, Annie K |
From: Maness, Beatrice Hogan | Thru: Marshall, Mary C |
From: Marshall, Mary E Murray | Thru: Matlock, |
From: Matlock, (Infant Son) | Thru: McAdams, Elexzener |
From: McAdams, Eli | Thru: McCauley, Searah S |
From: McCauley, Selma Jane | Thru: McKinney, Ollie Bryant |
From: McKinney, Pierson Brooks | Thru: McPherson, Swannie M |
From: McPherson, Thomas A | Thru: Miles, Martha Horne |
From: Miles, Mary A | Thru: Mixon, Charles E |
From: Mixon, Charlie Lee | Thru: Moore, Emma |
From: Moore, Emma E. | Thru: Morris, Claude Lacy |
From: Morris, Cled "C W" | Thru: Mueller, Albert Eugene |
From: Mueller, Evelyn Cagle | Thru: Murray, Sue Herndon |
From: Murray, Thomas C | Thru: Newlin, Alfred Cyrus |
From: Newlin, Alfred L. | Thru: Norwood, Elbert J. |
From: Norwood, Eliza | Thru: Overman, Nellie Hinshaw |
From: Overman, Nellie Lenora Teer | Thru: Parker, Raymond Carl |
From: Parker, Rebecca Ann | Thru: Patton, James |
From: Patton, James C | Thru: Perdue, Lisa Dawn |
From: Perdue, Nora Ward | Thru: Phillips, Charles Dean |
From: Phillips, Charles H | Thru: Pickett, Sylvia M |
From: Pickett, Vermelia I. | Thru: Powell, Clem Payton |
From: Powell, Cora E | Thru: Qualls, David M |
From: Qualls, Dewell Teer | Thru: Ray, William H. |
From: Ray, William I. | Thru: Richardson, C. Bascom |
From: Richardson, Carl B. | Thru: Ritchie, Gladys Jernigan |
From: Ritchie, Harry Morrison Jr | Thru: Robinson, Margaret Riley |
From: Robinson, Mary Alice Parrish | Thru: Ross, Owen C |
From: Ross, Palma Apple | Thru: Sanders, Maple M. |
From: Sanders, Mildred Coble | Thru: Scott, Nancy Florine |
From: Scott, Ophel Inez | Thru: Sharpe, Bessie Overman |
From: Sharpe, Beulah B | Thru: Sheffield, Nancy Gordon |
From: Sheffield, Numan Delano | Thru: Shore, Rev. Joe C. "Jack" |
From: Shore, Sallie T | Thru: Slaton, Vallie H. |
From: Slaughter, Beulah Wrightenberry | Thru: Smith, John F |
From: Smith, John Gray | Thru: Snipes, Lucy Jane Phelps |
From: Snipes, M. Edna | Thru: Stafford, Edna Gertrude |
From: Stafford, Elizabeth L. | Thru: Steele, Robah E. |
From: Steele, Roswell Lee | Thru: Stout, Blanche |
From: Stout, Blanche L | Thru: Stubbins, Sarah Elizabeth |
From: Stubblefield, Ann Moore | Thru: Swaim, W O |
From: Swainey, Frances | Thru: Tate, Arthur Pinckney |
From: Tate, Baxter | Thru: Teer, Carroll |
From: Teer, Charles Manuel | Thru: Thomas, Birdie T |
From: Thomas, Blanche R | Thru: Thompson, Dimmock Lee |
From: Thompson, Donald Eugene | Thru: Thompson, Nancy |
From: Thompson, Nancy Elizabeth Burgess | Thru: Tillman, Jewel Lambeth |
From: Tillman, John Maurice | Thru: Troxler, Sarah |
From: Troxler, Seymore Alexander | Thru: Unknown, ?? |
From: Unknown, ?? | Thru: Van Buren, John Sherman |
From: Van Hoosier, Herman Augusta | Thru: Wagner, Ernest C |
From: Wagner, Fannie Wilson | Thru: Walker, William Herman |
From: Walker, William J | Thru: Warren, Jimmie |
From: Warren, Jodie H. Nelson | Thru: Webster, Bobby Lee |
From: Webster, Brodie Banks | Thru: Wheeler, John |
From: Wheeler, John R | Thru: Whitesell, Maurice T |
From: Whitesell, Melvin | Thru: Wilkins, Mary Barker |
From: Wilkins, Nannie P | Thru: Williams, William Armeneous |
From: Williams, William Ashley | Thru: Wilson, Roxanna Phillips |
From: Wilson, Ruby | Thru: Wood, V. T |
From: Wood, W Craven | Thru: Wright, Clarence Dewey |
From: Wright, Clarence W | Thru: Zachary, Kay J. |
From: Zachary, Lawrence | Thru: Zuniga, Ramiro Machuca |
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Web page created 24 November 2021