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All About The Cemetery Survey
--- WELCOME ---
This is the Internet Web edition of the Cemetery Survey of Yadkin County North Carolina. It is brought to you by the Cemetery Census. We hope you will find it
user-friendly and useful. We will be adding "newly discovered" cemeteries and updating cemetery location and other information from time
to time.
If you note any problems with using this data please advise Cemetery Census. If in your use of the data you note any errors, missing entries for any
cemetery, changes needed to any data entry, or older cemeteries, family burial
grounds or individual gravesites not included in this survey that you have
information or personal knowledge about, please write to Cemetery Census at this
Cemetery Census
3230 Walters Rd
Creedmoor, NC 27522-8641
Or contact Cemetery Census by Email at: Cemetery Census
Back to Cemetery Index
This web site Copyright (c) 1996-2021, Cemetery Census. All Rights Reserved
Reproduction, adaptation or alteration without prior written permission of
Cemetery Census is prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws.
Cemetery Census shall not be liable for errors
contained in this material, or for incidential or consequential damage in
connection with the data herein.
You are invited and encouraged to read the following summary of the origin of
this data and how it came to be here today.
We suggest that you read this summary at least once, probably before
starting to use the data, as it contains important information that may bear on
your research.
WHERE THE CEMETERY DATA WAS ACQUIREDBackground of the Cemetery Survey
Bob Carter, as a member of the Surry County Genealogical Association (SCGA), began recording the GPS location and directions for cemeteries (along with other volunteers) as part of a large effort to locate cemeteries in Surry by the SCGA. Since that time over 360 cemeteries have been recorded and the number continues to grow.
Initially the survey was to document GPS locations of cemeteries as well as the directions on how to find them. The SCGA project was "not" an effort to create an inventory or develop a listing of the occupants (burials) although some burial information was provided in the cemetery notes.
Once over 300 cemeteries had been surveyed, Bob thought there might be some interest in recording cemeteries in other counties surrounding Surry County. Since Yadkin was once part of Surry County, it was a natural inclination to begin collecting data in Yadkin County.
You may notice some surveys also include "burials". Where present, this data has been provided by other parties and is not part of what was originally intended to be part of the Yadkin County survey. Bob's primary effort is to locate known or abandoned cemeteries and provide GPS and driving directions to them, not to publish a list of burials. However, those with a list of burials are welcome to submit them to Cemetery Census and these will be added to the survey along with your name as the contributor.
Recording Information
Comments on Editorial Decisions
Some cemeteries are in remote areas and often difficult to find or gain access. Since many of them are on private property, it's always a good idea to solicit the owner's permission before any attempt is made to gain access, whether it's maintained or abandoned. In many cases, graves are fieldstones or river slate markers without names or dates and some inscriptions have been weatherized so significantly that they are not legible.
Our hope is that genealogy researchers, in Yadkin County or elsewhere, will tell us of other grave sites to uncover so we can publicize them before they are lost to urbanization.
Corrections and Additions
Through our initial effort of publicizing grave sites, SCGA hopes this project continues into the future with additional volunteers to locate and document the existence of other grave sites. Anyone can volunteer and anyone can submit new grave locations, verify reports, document and proof revisions, and/or keep a record of correspondence. Whenever possible, once we know the location of a cemetery, we will make every effort to locate it and provide the data back to this web site for publication.
Reporting Corrections and Additions
The Yadkin County cemetery data is not guaranteed to be mistake free. With the number of cemeteries surveyed, as well as corrections and updates, the viewer should consider it as one source of information but should also verify the data with an independent source. Common errors may include spelling of names, misreading dates, incorrect GPS reading, misstatement of a driving direction (left turn versus right turn), relationships or the listed burials, etc.
If you want to submit corrections or report new cemeteries to survey, cemetery land owners to contact, etc., send your notes to Cemetery Census, and please include your name, mailing address, telephone number, current date, and source of information (include your email address as well).
We wish to thank the following people who provided valuable information and/or volunteered to inventory the cemeteries for this survey:
Inventory Takers
- Joe Hicks, Elkin, NC
- Bob Carter, Greensboro, NC
Other Sources of Information
- Yadkin County Register of Deeds - official birth, death and marriage records
- Cemeteries of Yadkin County, North Carolina, by Carl C Hoots (Reprint Co, 1985)
- Kallam Cemetery Books of Surry County and Surrounding areas, by Wallace Kallam
- US Geological Survey, Geographical Names Information System (GNIS)
- Yadkin Cemeteries (website) - Judy Davenport and Cristy Fisher
Allen Dew, a computer professional, spent many hours preparing the database program that presents the information in a readily accessible manner. Allen coordinated the acquisition of the material and performed certain manual editing tasks necessary to make the material easier to use. A capability exists to add additional cemeteries and graves to the database in the future. Allen Dew has and continues to maintain the cemetery database. He may be reached at: Cemetery Census or by mail at Cemetery Census, 3230 Walters Rd, Creedmoor, NC 27522-8641 Cemetery Census has begun adding pictures of grave markers and cemeteries to the database. The pictures display a graphic PHOTO before each name listed. The graphic PHOTO may be clicked to show a large, high resolution, picture.
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Web page updated 19 April 2021
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