Alphabetical List of Wayne County Burials
Index of All Cemeteries Previous Page
From: Abel, Julia Elizabeth Conway | Thru: Boyette, Lillian M. |
From: Boyette, Myron M. | Thru: Corrieri, William J., Sr |
From: Costin, Herbert Lee | Thru: Faulk, Charles Nelson |
From: Faulk, David Neff | Thru: Heath, Doris Broughton |
From: Heath, Eunice Alpheus Avery | Thru: Johnson, Richard Scott |
From: Johnson, Verena Pauline | Thru: Massengill, Gladys B. |
From: Massengill, Hazel Watkins | Thru: O'Berry, Perry Jenkins |
From: O'Quinn, Faustina N | Thru: Rose, Alice Faye |
From: Rose, Alice Hollowell | Thru: Summerlin, Luby McCray |
From: Summerlin, Marvin Smith | Thru: Wiggins, Marion Stephen |
From: Wiggins, Mildred A. | Thru: Zambelli, Louise Hill |
Index of All Cemeteries Previous Page
Web page created 20 April 2021