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Location - off Hwy 64 about 2.2 miles from East Mill Pond Rd.
Directions: Follow Hwy 64 to East Mill Pond Road. Go 2.2 miles to the cemetery on the left about 350 yards from road in a field. Behind Harry B. Peele home.
Survey by Vance & Veronica Haskett & Marvin Peele, Sr. in 1990.
Peacock, Josephine W. (b. 11 Nov 1869 - d. 0ct 12 1880)
Age: 10y 11m ld. In memory of. Footstone: J.W.P.. Parents: Rev. Redden Washington Peacock & Mary Louise Osborne
Peacock, Redden Washington (Rev.) (b. 1826 - d. 16 Mar 1870)
Age: 44y 2m ld. Parents: Richard Peacock & Mary Turner. Wives: [1] Elizabeth Jane Woodley [2] Mary Louise Osborne, Children: [l] Lloyd Jefferson; [2] Rose Ella, [3] Marcus Lafayette, [4] Mary F., [5] Julian M., (6] Redden Washington, Jr., [7] Josephine W.. only child by Mary Louise Osborne [Note: He was minister at Morrotock Primitive Baptist Church. Have been told he was moved from this cemetery but can't find him at another cemetery] I know for a fact that his son Redden, Jr. was moved to Ayden, NC Cemetery and this may be who they were thinking about. not sure.
Singleton, Infant Son (b. 10 Jan 1892 - d. 10 Jan 1892)
Parents: John E. Singleton & Mary Osborne
Singleton, John Edward (b. 1853 - d. 18 May 1938)
FATHER. Double headstone. Parents: Wm. Singleton Martha Woodard. Wives: [1] Mary Louise Osborne, [2] Julia Falona Boyd; Children: [1] Josephine W. Peacock [by Mary's 1st marriage], [2] Della Virginia, [3] Ursula, [4] Tom, [5] Warren, [6] Louis, [7] Lorraine. [8] Mary Clyde, [9] Baby Boy.
Singleton, Mary Clyde (b. 5 Feb 1893 - d. 23 Jun 1911)
In my Father's house are many mansions. Gone but not forgotten. SINGLETON. Parents: John Edward Singleton & Mary Louise Osborne
Singleton, Mary Louise (b. 1850 - d. 11 Jan 1914)
MOTHER. Double headstone. Parents: Levin Osborne & Delinda Davis. Husbs: [1] Rev. Redden Washington Peacock (2) John Singleton
Web page updated 17 April 2021
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