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538 UNKNOWN CEMETERY (Shady Grove Plantation)
Location - off Parktown Rd (SR-1625) about 2.7 miles from Bamtimore Rd.
Directions: From Warrenton courthouse on Hwy 158 E Bus, travel 0.15 mile and turn right onto Hall St. Travel 0.2 mile and turn left onto Halifax St which becomes SR 1600 (Baltimore Rd) at the Warrenton town limits. Travel 6 miles to Parktown and bear left onto SR 1625 (Parktown Rd). Travel 2.6 miles to the intersection of SR 1620 (Pete Harris Rd) and SR 1625. Keep straight on SR 1625. The destroyed cemetery was located on the left to the right of and behind the private residence, Shady Grove. Race-Unknown.
Web page updated 19 April 2021
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