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Location - off SR 1001 (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd). about 3.9 miles west of Warrenton. GPS location approximate.
Coordinates: 36d 22m 27.5s N; 78d 12m 27.2s W Click here for Online Maps
Directions: From Warrenton courthouse on S Main St, travel 0.1 mile and turn right onto Franklin St and SR 1001 (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd). Travel 3.9 miles and turn right onto a private driveway. On the right side of the yard, walk approximately 100 feet to the edge of the woods to the abandoned grave. The broken tombstone is on the ground. Race-White.
Note: This information is from The County of Warren by Manley Wellman. Richard "Dicky" Davidson, a lawyer, was Judge of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions around 1800, founded the North Carolina Messenger in 1804 in Warren County, was a Justice of Peace in the early 1800s and was a trustee of the church begun by the Methodists of Warrenton in 1812. (Original spelling is Davison).
Davison, Richard (b. 20 Feb 1774 - d. 28 Jul 1845)
Born Selby Yorkshire, England. Left England May 1794, Arrived at Boston, Mass. August 14, 1794.
Web page updated 19 April 2021
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