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Location - 201 Industrial Road, Elkin, Surry Co., NC.
Coordinates: 36d 17m 40.8s N; 80d 45m 02.2s W Click here for Online Maps
Directions: From intersection of NC Hwy 268 and US Hwy 601 (Fairview Crossroads), go west on NC Hwy 268 for abt 2.9 miles and turn left on Industrial Rd. Follow that road almost the end and there will be two homes on the left near the end. The cemetery is abt 125 yards east from the road near some large trees and is between the two houses just south of a picket fence that borders the property line..
View #2 of the cemetery. View #3 of the cemetery.
Surveyed by Joe Hicks on June 21, 2007. Township or district: Marsh. Public or Private: Private property. GPS Accuracy (ft.): 16. Elevation above sea level (ft.): 1138. Status of cemetery: Nearing abandonment. Surry County Parcel Number: 4983-00-40-1035.
Occupants are William Phillips and wife Sally Phillips. No dates shown. It is an African American Cemetery with only two burials, both on one granite marker. Surveyed and photographed by Jack Luffman on 2 September 2010. Status of Cemetery: Well Maintained.
Having been born into slavery, William and Sally Phillips were emancipated at the end of the Civil War. They and each of their seven surviving children were given 40 acres of land and a mule. William and Sally are buried on the land they received. The Phillips prospered and expanded their land holdings. Numerous descendents lived in the Little Richmond Community and many are buried at Little Richmond Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery. One photo shows great-granddaughter Evelyn Gentry Howie at their graves.
Phillips, Sally (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Phillips, William (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Web page updated 15 April 2021
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