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Location - 482 Copeland School Rd, Rockford, Surry Co., NC.
Coordinates: 36d 21m 08.7s N; 80d 39m 22.7s W Click here for Online Maps
Directions: From intersection of NC Hwy 268 and US Hwy 601 (Fairview Crossroads), go east on Hwy 268 for 4 miles and turn left on Copeland School Rd. Then go abt one mile to a large white frame house on the right (Isaac Copeland House) and pull off on the road shoulder to park. After exiting the vehicle look across road and you will see 4 large chicken houses about 200 yards away. Cross over an electric fence and a small creek and walk toward the SW corner of a pasture toward chicken houses. At the SW corner of the pasture cross the fence again and go into the woods and you'll be in the cemetery.
View #2 of the cemetery. View #3 of the cemetery.
Surveyed by Joe Hicks on June 5, 2007. Township or district: Rockford. Public or Private: Private property. GPS Accuracy (ft.): 18. Elevation above sea level (ft.): 1152. Status of cemetery: Abandoned. Surry County Parcel Number: 4953-00-97-2310.
Occupants are: Two Isaac Copelands, Father and Son, one b. 1809, d. ???. There are several other family members but stones not legible. About 15 fieldstone markers without names in the cemetery..
Copeland, Isaac (b. - d. 1809)
(five pointed star on tombstone. date could be birth or death.)
Copeland, Isaac (b. - d. 26 Apr 18??)
Unknown, ?? (b. - d. )
Unknown, ?? (b. - d. )
Web page updated 15 April 2021
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