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Location - 288 Bill Coe Rd, Dobson, Surry Co., NC.
Coordinates: 36d 17m 43.1s N; 80d 40m 48.1s W Click here for Online Maps
Directions: From Dobson at Intersection of NC Hwy 268 and Rockford Rd (SR 2221), take Rockford Rd south and after going for a short ways you will cross a bridge over a creek at this point take the right fork. You will go for 2.4 miles from NC Hwy 268 to the intersection with Stony Knoll Rd (SR 2234) turn right and continue on Rockford Rd (SR 2221) toward Rockford going past South Surry Volunteer Fire Dept. Follow Rockford Rd for 1.5 miles and turn right on Bill Coe Rd (SR 2337) and go for abt .9 mile to another small farm lane on the right at 288 Bill Coe Rd, just prior to a sharp curve. Park at a large oak tree at a pasture entrance there under the tree. Enter the gate to a cow pasture which is electrified and make sure the gate is closed again. Walk north for about 225 yards following what appears to be an old road bed. The cemetery will be just in front of you and could be viewed from Bill Coe Rd if looking to your right. Cemetery is inside an enclosed fence about 5 feet high to keep the cattle out.
Another view of the cemetery.
Surveyed by Joe Hicks on March 11, 2007. Township or district: Rockford. Public or Private: Private property. GPS Accuracy (ft.): 19. Elevation above sea level (ft.): 1059. Status of cemetery: Maintained. Surry County Parcel Number: 5903-00-40-4974.
Occupants are: Caroline E. Collins w/o A. J. Collins (b. 8-3-1870, d. 10-29-1928), John L. Collins, s/o A. J. and Caroline E. Collins (b. 06-04-1895, d. 10-23-1900), Civil War Vet PVT Hezikiah W. Collins Co. A 28th NC Troops, CSA, (b. 1837, d. 1896), Children Ambrose W. Hudson s/o J. J. and N. E. Hudson ( D 12-15-1898), John I. Hudson s/o J. J. and N. E. Hudson (b. 7-21-1895, d. 10-15-1895), J. F. McCormick (b. 2-1-1851, d. 3-8-1930), several more marked stones and probably 15 field stone markers..
Collins, Hezekiah W. (b. 1837 - d. 1896)
Co. A, 28th NC Troops, CSA
Web page updated 15 April 2021
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