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Location - Haystack Rd, Dobson, Surry Co., NC.
Coordinates: 36d 26m 04.8s N; 80d 55m 16.2s W Click here for Online Maps
Directions: From intersection of Main St and Kapp St (ld courthouse square) in Dobson, go west on Kapp St (changes to Zephyr Road) for 5.5 miles. Turn right on Kapps Mill Rd and go 1.85 miles until it dead ends. Then turn right on River Road and go 3.5 miles until it dead ends. Then turn left on Haystack Road and go 3.1 miles to the entrance of Devotion on the right.
View of the cemetery sign.
Surveyed by Andy Hennis on April 6, 2006. Township or district: Bryan. Public or Private: Private property. GPS Accuracy (ft.): 12. Elevation above sea level (ft.): 1420.
The Devotion Estate is a gated private property and one must have permission of the landowners to enter. This cemetery was established in the 1700's..
Higgins, Martha Newton Thompson (b. 1827 - d. 1898)
2nd Wife of Hiram Higgins from Allegheny County. Married 1868. (Hiram was 1st married to Polly Willis). Daughter of John Thompson and Elizabeth Hawkins Thompson. ..Hiram and Martha never had any children. Martha moved back to Surry County after Hiram's death. In the spring of 1898 her home was found to be engulfed in flames. When the ashes had cooled enough for a search, the body of Martha Higgins was found in the ashes. Martha was buried the day she was found in the Thompson Cemetery. ..John Jack Mayes, a neighbor, was arrested, tried and hung for the murder of Martha Higgins. Some said he was guilty, some said he was not. He denied the killing and said he did no harm to Martha. ..John Jack Mayes' hanging drew 20,000 spectators to Dobson and he was the last man to be hung by the Sheriff in Surry County. He is buried in #136 John Jack Mayes Cemetery and is the only person to have been buried there. (source: Michael Frye 2012 and 2016)
Thompson, ?? (b. - d. 12 Apr 1896)
Thompson, ?? (b. 1885 - d. )
Thompson, ?? (b. - d. )
Thompson, Alex J. (b. 186? - d. 18??)
Thompson, E. Wilborn (b. 28 Oct 18?3 - d. 17 Dec 1861)
Thompson, Fannie J. (b. - d. )
Thompson, Hattie (b. 1887 - d. 1890)
daughter of Joe Lane and Julia D. Thompson
Thompson, Henderson (b. 13 May 1794 - d. 6 Sep 1881)
Pvt. 1st Regiment, N.C. Jr. Reserves, War of 1812
Thompson, Jincie (b. 28 Apr 1815 - d. 19 Sep 1885)
Thompson, Joe Lane (b. 5 Oct 1861 - d. 27 Jul 1920)
Husband of Julia D. Thompson
Thompson, John C. (b. 26 Aug 1811 - d. 9 Jun 1889)
Husband of Jincie Thompson
Thompson, Julia D. (b. 19 Nov 1863 - d. 11 Jul 1901)
Wife of Joe Lane Thompson
Thompson, Martha (b. 1885 - d. 1890)
daughter of Joe Lane and Julia D. Thompson
Thompson, Mary (b. 1885 - d. 1890)
daughter of Joe Lane and Julia D. Thompson
Thompson, Median (b. 1887 - d. 1890)
daughter of Joe Lane and Julia D. Thompson
Thompson, Olevia (b. 17 Apr 1864 - d. 31 Jul 1900)
Thompson, Wilson Calvin (b. 9 Mar 1927 - d. 23 Aug 1993)
son of Joseph Douglas, the son of Joe Lane, the son of Joseph, the son of Henderson, the son of Joseph, the first Thompson to settle here from Scotland / England. Military marker. PFC US Marine Corps., WW-II
Web page updated 15 April 2021
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