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Location - Rock Hill Ch Rd, Ararat, Surry Co., NC.
Coordinates: 36d 22m 36.7s N; 80d 36m 31.0s W Click here for Online Maps
Directions: From intersection of US Hwy 52 and 601 in Mt. Airy, go south on US Hwy 601 (Rockford St) for 1.35 miles. Then turn left on Old US Hwy 601 and go 1.7 miles and turn left on Siloam Rd. Then go +/- 5 miles and turn left on Rock Hill Church Rd. Proceed on Rock Hill Church Rd past Bullin Farm Lane and the cemetery will be on the right. It is located close to the road surrounded by a rock wall..
Surveyed by Andy Hennis on November 1, 2006.
Also known as: Elder John Jones Cemetery. Township or district: Eldora. Public or Private: Private property. GPS Accuracy (ft.): 14. Elevation above sea level (ft.): 1086. Status of cemetery: Abandoned. Surry County Parcel Number: 5925-00-69-3353.
Legible engraving on the stones reads as follows: Elder John Jones, Aged 85 Y; John Jones, b. Mar 21, 1790, d. Dec 19, 1875; Rosana P. Boaze Jones, (No birth date), d. May ??, 1831 (John and Rosana share the same stone); and there is one other stone which is unreadable..
Jones, John (Elder) (b. 21 Mar 1790 - d. 19 Dec 1875)
Jones, Mary (b. - d. )
Jones, Rosana P. Boaze (b. Abt 1790 - d. May 1831)
Web page updated 15 April 2021
Index of All Cemeteries Alphabetical Index of All Burials Previous Page