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Location - 300 Block of Red Brush Rd, Mt. Airy, Surry Co., NC.
Coordinates: 36d 29m 25.9s N; 80d 39m 09.3s W Click here for Online Maps
Directions: From intersection of US Hwy 52 and NC Hwy 89 West (W. Pine St) in Mt. Airy, go west on W. Pine St for .7 mile to the stoplight in Toast and turn left on South Franklin Rd. Go one block to the first stoplight and turn right on Toast Rd. Go .7 mile and turn left on Red Brush Rd. Go a short distance up the hill to the 300 block of Red Brush Rd. Cemetery is in a cow pasture behind a home on the left.
Surveyed by Andy Hennis on June 29, 2006. Township or district: Mt. Airy. Public or Private: Private property. GPS Accuracy (ft.): 11. Elevation above sea level (ft.): 1162. Status of cemetery: Abandoned. Surry County Parcel Number: 5010-00-31-6451.
There is little if any evidence that a cemetery ever existed in this location. Reportedly, a family of six (Creeds) lived on this property in the 1800's and all were killed by disease in the same year. Four field stones were found of which three were fairly evenly spaced and in a straight line leading one to believe they might mark the location of graves. These stones are buried and only the tops can be seen..
Web page updated 15 April 2021
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