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Location - North Andy Griffith Parkway, Mt. Airy, Surry Co., NC.
Coordinates: 36d 30m 02.2s N; 80d 37m 16.4s W Click here for Online Maps
Directions: From intersection of US Hwy 52 and 601 in Mt. Airy, go north on US Hwy 52 (N Andy Griffith Parkway) for 1.2 miles. Cemetery on the right. It is not visible from the highway but is located about half way between West Pine St (NC Hwy 89) and the Bright Leaf Drive In Theater on 1.15 acres. The only place to park is in the Bright Leaf driveway exit. The cemetery is located south of the exit driveway and one must cross private property to get there. Briers, saplings, and brush make it somewhat difficult to reach though the distance is only about 250 feet.
View #2 of the cemetery. View #3 of the cemetery. View #4 of the cemetery. View #5 of the cemetery.
Surveyed by Andy Hennis on December 1, 2006. Township or district: Mt. Airy. Public or Private: Private property. GPS Accuracy (ft.): 13. Elevation above sea level (ft.): 1100. Surry County Parcel Number: 5020-14-34-3868.
It is a large cemetery (some have estimated +/- 200 gravesites) but, sadly, only seven legible stones were noted. There are numerous sunken graves - some without stones and some with rough field stones. Legible stones are: Agnes C. Ferguson, b. Jul 13 or 15, 1893, d. Jun 7, 1915; John C. or E. Hines, dates illegible; Minerva Lawrence, b. Feb 11, 1868, d. Jan 26, 1912; one stone with only the surname Leak; J. Willie McRae, b. Dec 12, 1900, d. Dec 13, 1900; Margie McRae, dates too worn for accurate reporting; Alex Stewart, 1907; and Letha Stewart, 1911. Alex and Letha share the same monument..
Ferguson, Agnes C. (b. 13 Jul 1893 - d. 7 Jun 1915)
Hines, John C. (b. - d. )
initial could be C or E. death date obscured.
Lawrence, Minerva (b. 11 Feb 1868 - d. 26 Jan 1912)
Leak, ?? (b. - d. )
Leak name on stone and nothing else
McRae, J. Willie (b. 12 Dec 1900 - d. 13 Dec 1900)
son of B.P. and M.A. McRae
McRae, Margie (b. 1898 - d. 1898)
daughter of B.P. and M.A. McRae (dates questionable)
Stewart, Alex (b. - d. 1907)
shares with Letha Stewart
Stewart, Letha (b. - d. 1911)
Unknown, ?? (b. - d. 11 Feb 1858)
Unknown person. inscription painted on stone: "died Feb 11 1858 at the age of ?? years ?? months and ?? days.
Web page updated 15 April 2021
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