Alphabetical List of Sampson County Burials
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From: A, F V | Thru: Arnette, Malcolm |
From: Arnette, Marvin R. | Thru: Autry, Kevin Wayne |
From: Autry, Kliveston | Thru: Baggett, Girtha Bass |
From: Baggett, Granville | Thru: Barbrey, Annie Lee T. |
From: Barbrey, Claude W. | Thru: Barksdale, Sherod |
From: Barnes, Agnes H. | Thru: Bass, Noreen B. |
From: Bass, Norman J. | Thru: Bell, Lovie Lonie |
From: Bell, Luther R. | Thru: Bishop, Allen Floyd |
From: Bishop, Donna H. | Thru: Blanton, Vallie |
From: Blarcom, Raymond S. Van | Thru: Bowden, Ulm. Mark |
From: Bowden, William Marvin, Sr. | Thru: Boykin, Sarah Lou S. |
From: Boykin, Sarah Peebles | Thru: Brewington, John Ollen |
From: Brewington, Joseph H. | Thru: Bronson, Ellis |
From: Bronson, Gustavous | Thru: Bullard, Beatrice B |
From: Bullard, Betsey V. | Thru: Butler, Carl Lenwood |
From: Butler, Carlton P. | Thru: Butler, Sallie J. |
From: Butler, Sallie Sinclair | Thru: Cannady, Sam |
From: Cannady, Samuel A. | Thru: Carroll, Stephen Spearman |
From: Carroll, Tenny | Thru: Carter, Terah B. |
From: Carter, Thelma I. | Thru: Clarke, Oscar V. |
From: Clarke, Scotia H. | Thru: Cooper, Gladis |
From: Cooper, Glendon B. | Thru: Cress, Nora Pearl Henry |
From: Crews, Cynthia Ann | Thru: Culbreth, E. Franklin |
From: Culbreth, Elivie | Thru: Daughtry, Annie Mabel Sutton |
From: Daughtry, Ayers L. | Thru: Denning, Easter Westbrook |
From: Denning, Ed Borden | Thru: Draughon, Robena S. |
From: Draughon, Robert E. | Thru: Edwards, W. Woodrow |
From: Edwards, William | Thru: Faircloth, Clarence D. |
From: Faircloth, Clarence R. | Thru: Faircloth, Repsie H. |
From: Faircloth, Repsie Williams | Thru: Fann, Olivia S. |
From: Fann, Oscar Manley | Thru: Fleming, Kermit Alexander |
From: Fleming, Mary | Thru: Futrell, Ronnie |
From: Futrell, Stella Ann | Thru: Gillis, Randolph, Jr. |
From: Gilmore, Ada Melvin (Mrs.) | Thru: Goodrich, Vary A. |
From: Goodrich, Vennie Tew | Thru: Guy, Laney O. |
From: Guy, Marshall J. | Thru: Hall, Callie Etta |
From: Hall, Calton | Thru: Hall, Murd L. |
From: Hall, N. J. | Thru: Harris, Annie Bass |
From: Harris, Annie E. | Thru: Hayes, Odie P. |
From: Hayes, Oscar | Thru: Herring, James Owen |
From: Herring, James R. | Thru: Highsmith, Mary Ann |
From: Highsmith, Mattie A. | Thru: Hobbs, Luke H. |
From: Hobbs, Luke Henry | Thru: Holland, Tomsilla Autry |
From: Holland, Tomzil Clide | Thru: Honeycutt, Henry Cleveland |
From: Honeycutt, Henry E. | Thru: Horne, Carey F., Sr. |
From: Horne, Carl Brewer, Sr. | Thru: Howard, Lewis |
From: Howard, Lillie P. | Thru: Hunter, Lynn Huckbee |
From: Hunter, Mary Rose Honrine | Thru: Jackson, Henry |
From: Jackson, Henry A. | Thru: Jackson, Norman |
From: Jackson, Norwood | Thru: Jerman, Kate Eason |
From: Jernigan, Ada Wade | Thru: Johnson, Fred |
From: Johnson, Fred Edward | Thru: Jolly, Aaron |
From: Jolly, Armatha T. | Thru: Jordan, Ted Royal |
From: Jordan, Theodore Arnold | Thru: King, Carl Lee |
From: King, Carlton | Thru: Knowles, Mallie B. |
From: Knowles, Margaret | Thru: Lee, Bessie Godwin |
From: Lee, Bessie Irene Butler | Thru: Lee, Teenie Ivey |
From: Lee, Terry Lynn | Thru: Lockamy, Evangeline Butler |
From: Lockamy, F. E. | Thru: Malpass, Jewell |
From: Malpass, Katie Pope | Thru: Matthews, Duncan |
From: Matthews, Dunkin C. | Thru: Matthis, Anna Kirby |
From: Matthis, Anna U. | Thru: McClurkin, Pauline U. |
From: McCollum, Brent Antwain | Thru: McKenzie, Thomas |
From: McKenzie, Vara Royal | Thru: McLamb, Pauline H. |
From: McLamb, Pauline P. | Thru: McPhail, Sarah M. |
From: McPhail, Thelma Johnson | Thru: Merritt, Lewis B. |
From: Merritt, Lewis J. | Thru: Moore, Christine Tart |
From: Moore, Clarence B. | Thru: Mott, John D. |
From: Mott, Maude M. | Thru: Naylor, James Kirby |
From: Naylor, James Lindbergh "Lindy" | Thru: Newton, Enoch |
From: Newton, Eva S. | Thru: Odom, Virginia A. |
From: Odom, William Wright | Thru: Page, Azor I. |
From: Page, Bettie R. | Thru: Parker, Margaret |
From: Parker, Margaret B. | Thru: Perrell, Harry Lee |
From: Perrell, Margaret Herring | Thru: Peterson, T. Bascom |
From: Peterson, T. J. H. | Thru: Pope, Kittie Clyda Boone |
From: Pope, L. Marvin | Thru: Price, Carl Jackson "Jack" |
From: Price, Charlotte R. | Thru: Raynor, Elbert |
From: Raynor, Elijah | Thru: Rhodes, Cynthia Lee |
From: Rhodes, Ernest Lee | Thru: Robinson, Cora J. |
From: Robinson, Dallas | Thru: Rominger, Willie T. |
From: Rooks, Annie A. Parker | Thru: Royal, Sharon Louise |
From: Royal, Sherman Andrew | Thru: Sessoms, Alice L. |
From: Sessoms, Allen Gray | Thru: Sewell, John |
From: Sewell, Kay Elizabeth Johnson | Thru: Simmons, Oscar |
From: Simmons, Oscar Harold | Thru: Smith, Edmon B. |
From: Smith, Edna Ashley Hair (Mrs.) | Thru: Smith, Robert Ray |
From: Smith, Robert Wayne | Thru: Spell, Infant |
From: Spell, Infant | Thru: Stetson, W. H. |
From: Stetson, William | Thru: Strickland, Ida Omega |
From: Strickland, Inez | Thru: Sutton, Antonie |
From: Sutton, Arabella Wiggins | Thru: Tart, Jack Ray |
From: Tart, James | Thru: Tew, Eirleen N. |
From: Tew, Eleanor | Thru: Tharp., Sallie D. |
From: Tharrington, Neva H. | Thru: Trentini, Anthony J. |
From: Tripp, Alice (Mrs.) | Thru: Tyndall, Susan Neal |
From: Tyndall, Susanna W. | Thru: Unknown, ?? |
From: Unknown, ?? | Thru: Unknown, ?? |
From: Unknown, ?? | Thru: Unknown, ?? |
From: Unknown, ?? | Thru: Vann, Robert Daniel |
From: Vann, Robert F. | Thru: Warren, Edward Lee |
From: Warren, Eliza | Thru: Warren, Rufus Alden |
From: Warren, Rupert | Thru: Weeks, Lenora |
From: Weeks, Lillie Allen | Thru: West, Nora Lee |
From: West, Oberry | Thru: Wiley, Ida H. |
From: Wiley, Pauline M. | Thru: Williams, Infant |
From: Williams, Infant | Thru: Williams, Ollen |
From: Williams, Ometa P. | Thru: Williford, Arlie D. |
From: Williford, Armatha Barefoot | Thru: Wilson, Peggy M. |
From: Wilson, Perlie | Thru: Wright, Ella M. |
From: Wright, Ellie L. | Thru: Zurl, Albert Anthony |
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Web page created 4 March 2025