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All About The Cemetery Survey
--- WELCOME ---
This is the Internet Web edition of the Cemetery Survey of Pitt County North Carolina. It is brought to you by the Cemetery Census. We hope you will find it
user-friendly and useful. We will be adding "newly discovered" cemeteries and updating cemetery location and other information from time
to time.
If you note any problems with using this data please advise Cemetery Census. If in your use of the data you note any errors, missing entries for any
cemetery, changes needed to any data entry, or older cemeteries, family burial
grounds or individual gravesites not included in this survey that you have
information or personal knowledge about, please write to Cemetery Census at this
Cemetery Census
3230 Walters Rd
Creedmoor, NC 27522-8641
Or contact Cemetery Census by Email at: Cemetery Census
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This web site Copyright (c) 1996-2021, Cemetery Census. All Rights Reserved
Reproduction, adaptation or alteration without prior written permission of
Cemetery Census is prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws.
Cemetery Census shall not be liable for errors
contained in this material, or for incidential or consequential damage in
connection with the data herein.
You are invited and encouraged to read the following summary of the origin of
this data and how it came to be here today.
We suggest that you read this summary at least once, probably before
starting to use the data, as it contains important information that may bear on
your research.
WHERE THE CEMETERY DATA WAS ACQUIREDThis cemetery survey data was started at the request of several volunteers who were gathering cemetery surveys in Pitt County. In 2015, the two volumes of Cemetery Surveys produced by William "Bill" B. Kittrell was made available to Cemetery Census. With Mr. Kittrell's permission, these complete cemetery surveys were converted to display on the Cemetery Census web pages.
First, I want to thank my wife Mary for her dedication to the completion of this survey. Understanding the importance of this project to me, she gave of her time to see the survey finished. Without her help and encouragement, this publication would never have been possible.
I also thank three additional ladies who played a significant role in this publication: Geralene M. Sutton for her help in pointing out to the Pitt County Historical Society the importance of such a project; Elizabeth H. Sparrow for dedicating countless hours applying her computer skills editing, indexing, and formatting this text to make it camera-ready for the printer; and Sandra Hunsucker for the time she spent editing and proofreading. Together Sandra and Elizabeth were instrumental in making arrangements for the printing as well as the marketing of this publication.
For photographic contributions, I thank Eleanor Allen, Don Mills, and Karen Nethercutt. Others who made significant contributions are Wayne Allen, Alice Mills Elks, Leon Raymond Hardee, Margaret Ann W. Johnson, Roger Kammerer, Stan Little, Donn Morgan, Annette Roebuck, Ted Vandiford, Danny Wooten, and numerous hunters, fishermen, farmers, and landowners too numerous to mention.
Finally, I want to acknowledge the Pitt County Historical Society for its encouragement and financial support. My hope is that this publication will provide much-needed information to those involved in genealogical research. My purpose in completing this project was to provide help not only to residents of Pitt County but also to others with Pitt County roots who live throughout the country.
The information gathered for this survey came from the headstones of every cemetery in Pitt County, North Carolina, that could be identified. It was the intent that all names, dates, children's relationships, marriage relationships, and marriage dates were not to be altered by comparison to other available records. It would be impossible to compare each and every name. From personal family research experience, I have learned that differences may be found between Bible records, birth and death records, and dates on tombstones. Therefore, in most cases, only information from the tombstones was used in this survey.
This survey of Pitt County cemeteries had its beginning in 1982 as a result of my personal family genealogy research. It expanded into gathering information on many local families. My purpose was to gather pertinent information from headstones for use by other genealogists. It was important to me that this information be recorded before existing grave sites were destroyed or lost forever through neglect.
Approximately 820 cemeteries were surveyed in Pitt County between the years 2002 and 2007 at the request of the Pitt County Historical Society. Recordings have been made from family, church, and municipal cemeteries.
Prior to research reflected in these volumes, two Pitt County residents recorded cemetery surveys, and a comparison with their records was made in each cemetery they surveyed to determine graves that no longer exist. These sources helped to provide additional names not found by this most recent survey because some headstones had been removed or destroyed.
Jesse Lillington "Lill" Jackson (1874-1968) recorded approximately 3,800 gravestones during the 1940s and 1950s. Mr. Jackson left a copy of his handwritten file at the Pitt County Courthouse where Register of Deeds Elvira Allred found the records and gave copies to Pitt County Family Researchers and to the East Carolina University Joyner Library's Manuscript Collection.
Jeanette Cox St. Amand (1894-1976) printed four volumes in mimeograph entitled Pitt County Gravestone Records, North Carolina. Volumes I, II, and III were printed in 1962; Volume IV was printed in 1976. Mrs. St. Amand's publications contained approximately 300 sites surveyed during the 1930s and 1940s. Historical Records Survey of North Carolina (a.k.a. HRSNC), compiled between 1937 and 1941, have also been referenced and compared to what is in existence today.
- Multiple inscriptions on the "Same Stone" do not necessarily refer to a husband and wife; consequently, names appear in this survey as they appear on the stone, unless known otherwise by the compiler. Therefore, many wives may be listed in the index under their maiden names.
- The term "Unknown" is used when the entire name is not visible or readable on the stone.
- A blank space in a name indicates that the first or last name could not be read.
- If only the year is provided for both birth and death dates, with lines indicating the missing month and day, most likely only the years appeared on the stone.
- The absence of a death date on a stone generally indicates that the individual was living at the time of the survey, but sometimes may mean that the date is unreadable.
- Some "living" people have already had their tombstones set in place with their name and date of birth on the stone; they too have been included in the survey.
- Metal markers, wooden markers, stone markers, and vaults which bear no legible name have been included in order to document location of a burial site.
- Surnames within the same families are sometimes spelled differently.
Allen Dew, a computer professional, spent many hours preparing the database program that presents the information in a readily accessible manner. Allen coordinated the acquisition of the material and performed certain manual editing tasks necessary to make the material easier to use. A capability exists to add additional cemeteries and graves to the database in the future. Allen Dew has and continues to maintain the cemetery database. He may be reached at: Cemetery Census or by mail at Cemetery Census, 3230 Walters Rd, Creedmoor, NC 27522-8641 Cemetery Census has begun adding pictures of grave markers and cemeteries to the database. The pictures display a graphic PHOTO before each name listed. The graphic PHOTO may be clicked to show a large, high resolution, picture.
---------------- HAPPY SEARCHING ----------------
Web page updated 11 September 2022
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