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Location - In Chapel Hill Township west of Union Grove Church Rd (SR #1179) on a farm at 6721 Union Grove Church Rd. Private property.
Coordinates: 35d 58m 45.8s N; 79d 07m 37.0s W Click here for Online Maps
Survey - The cemetery was not surveyed in the 1970s. Sketchy information on burials had been furnished by Mrs. T. B. Hall of Durham, a Garrett descendant. The overall photograph of the cemetery was provided in June 2003 by Dan McCauley of West Collingswood, NJ. Milton Forsyth photographed the gravestones on 10 May 2007 at the invitation of Mr. Darrell Wilson Garrett, a descendant, who with the assistance of his son, Delbert Wilson Garrett, had documented the cemetery in detail. They were in the process of restoring it with the permission of the property owners.
Graves, Marked - There are 15 marked graves.
Comments - A fine example of a late-19th and early 20th-century family cemetery. Although the land was sold out of the family in 1940 the cemetery was preserved by subsequent property owners. The restoration by family descendants in 2007 involved removal of vegetation and resetting several fallen gravestones, installing a brass plaque identifying the cemetery and repainting the fine cast-iron fence.
The cemetery is usually referred to as the Woodson Wilson Garrett Family Cemetery. The earliest burials are of Wilson Garrett (1806-1870) and his wife Sylvia (1812-1880), who had some nine children according to the 1860/1870 census, and one additional unnamed infant is buried here. The family and descendants of their son Woodson Wilson Garrett (1837-1917) and his wife Caroline Smith Garrett appear to account for most, if not all, of the remaining burials.
Garrett, A. Pettigrew (Rev.) (b. 2 Dec 1875 - d. 2 Aug 1915)
Son of Woodson and Caroline Garrett. Inscription: Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth. Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours and their works do follow them. Footstone: A. P. G.
Garrett, Arthur (b. Apr 1880 - d. 22 Dec 1880)
Infant. Age 8 Mos. Fallen gravestone restored. Inscription: At Rest. Footstone: A. G.
Garrett, Caroline W. Smith (b. 12 Sep 1847 - d. 10 Dec 1922)
Wife of Woodson Garrett. Fallen gravestone restored. Inscription: Faithful to her trust even unto death. Footstone: C. W. G.
Garrett, Cyrus H. (b. 31 Jan 1884 - d. 21 Jun 1910)
Inscription: God gave, he took, he will restore. He doeth all things well. Footstone: C. H. G.
Garrett, Elsie F. (b. 27 Oct 1911 - d. 18 Jan 1912)
Infant. "Dau of J. C. and E. U. Garrett." Inscription: Asleep in Jesus. Footstone: E. F. G.
Garrett, Eula Mae Lloyd (b. 2 Sep 1894 - d. 9 Oct 1923)
Wife of Jeter C. Garrett.
Garrett, Fannie C. (b. 17? Sep 1873 - d. 10 Feb 1900)
Dau of Woodson and Caroline Garrett. Inscription: Weep not father and mother for me for I am waiting in glory for thee. Footstone: F. C. G.
Garrett, Infant (b. - d. )
Son of Wilson and Sylvia Garrett. Footstone: I [Infant].
Garrett, Jeter C. (b. 20 Aug 1881 - d. 10 Mar 1950)
Son of Woodson W. Garrrett and Caroline Smith; Husband of Eula Mae Lloyd. Twin brother of Chyle W. Garrett, who is buried in Bethel-Hickory Grove Ch. Cem.
Garrett, Lela (b. Abt Jul 1889 - d. 2 Sep 1890)
Infant. Age 1 Yr, 2 Mos. Fallen gravestone restored. Inscription: At Rest. Footstone: L. G.
Garrett, Lenora (b. 26 Jan 1917 - d. 18 Feb 1918)
Infant. Dau of J. C. and Eula Garrett.
Garrett, Sylvia (b. c1812 - d. 11 Dec 1880)
Age 63 Yrs. Inscription: Asleep in Jesus. Wife of Wilson Garrett. Footstone: S. G.
Garrett, Wilson (b. c1806 - d. 22 Jul 1870)
Age 64 Yrs. Inscription: Gone so soon. Husband of Sylvia Garrett. Footstone: W. G. The 1870 census entry dated 9 Jul 1870 notes he was "confined with dropsy" - he died 13 days later.
Garrett, Wilson Z. (b. c1878 - d. 20 Jul 1905)
Son of Woodson and Caroline Garrett. Aged 28 Years. "31st Co. Coast Artillery, Fort Caswell, N. C."; Inscription: Let our Father's will be done. 'Tis hard to break the tender cord, When love has bound the heart. 'Tis hard, so hard, to speak the words "We must forever part." Footstone: W. Z. G. [Note: In 1896 the U. S. Army reconstructed several coastal forts to protect the entrance to the Cape Fear River and Wilmington, NC. One was located at the site of Fort Caswell, which was originally established in 1826 but had been in ruins since the Civil War. He apparently served in the army at this time.]
Garrett, Woodson Wilson (b. 15 Oct 1837 - d. 17 Oct 1917)
Son of Wilson and Sylvia Garrett. Husband of Caroline Smith Garrett. Served Co. G., 11th NC Inf. 28 Feb 1862 - 20 May 1865.
Web page updated 15 April 2021
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