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Location - On Lots 233 and 234 in west Hillsborough at the SE intersection of W. Margaret Lane and Hillsborough Ave. The cemetery is bounded on the east by Occoneechee Street.
Coordinates: 36d 04m 26.0s N; 79d 06m 34.0s W Click here for Online Maps
Survey - This cemetery was surveyed on March 10, 1973. Photographs by Milton Forsyth in February 2005. Another view of cemetery. Picture of the cemetery plaque.
Graves, Marked - There were 13 marked graves.
Comments - No record was found of the disposition of these two lots, each of which like the rest of the 'railroad lots' contains 5/8 acre. All the lots were sold on October 10, 1854 by the town commissioners and it is likely that Peter Browne Ruffin, the chief landowner and employer in the area, acquired these as a burial ground for his own servants and those of the Cadwallader Jones, Sr. family of nearby 'West Hill.' It is probable that a black cemetery existed here before 1854. If black trustees were ever appointed no record has survived. It seems apparent that the cemetery was well-filled by the 1920s and 1930s, although nearly all the stones have been removed.
Status - Magnificent trees, daylilies and periwinkle still flourish on the beautiful high site. A low stone wall once enclosed the cemetery on the west and north sides with the entrance on the west. Various brick tombs above ground, a number of obelisks, and handsome gravestones are remembered as having stood here in 1918. A single iron-railed Johnson Family enclosure survives on the boundry line as does one fallen obelisk and a fallen stone in the northern part of the cemetery. Other bases of stones are hidden in the grass. Mr. Clyde W. Whitted, Sr. has supplied the names of six other persons known to be buried here; various members of the Browder And David Payne families are also known to be buried here.
Browder, ----- (b. - d. )
Base remaining; Browders are known to be interred here.
Ellison, Amey (b. - d. )
Ellison, Daisy (b. - d. )
Hill, George W (b. 9 Jan 1844 - d. 23 Apr 1900)
(Fallen obelisk; orig. on triple plinth. Upright in 2005)
Johnson, Mag (Maggie) (b. - d. 20 Nov 1927)
(Wife of Wiley Johnson?) Name on iron gate of Johnson enclosure.
Johnson, Wiley (b. - d. 5 Mar 1898)
'My Husband'. Aged 55 Yrs. Footstone: W.J. (in Johnson enclosure)
Jones, Katie (b. - d. )
Jones, Saunders (b. - d. )
Payne, ----- (b. - d. )
Relatives of David Payne Are Known To Be Interred Here.
Umstead, John (b. - d. )
Umstead, Worda (b. - d. )
Whitted, Daniel (b. 11 Oct 1865 - d. 21 Aug 1895)
Odd Fellows Emblem (Stone Fallen)
Williams, Mary (b. 1821 - d. 2 May 1899)
Footstone: M.W. (In Johnson Enclosure)
Web page updated 15 April 2021
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