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Location - In Chapel Hill Township on the east side of Smith Level Road (SR #1435) in the side-yard of the former Paul Long home at 1301 Smith Level Rd. Private property.
Coordinates: 35d 52m 27.7s N; 79d 04m 47.1s W Click here for Online Maps
There are no burials listed for this cemetery.
Survey - This cemetery was surveyed on 26 April 1976. It was visited and photographed in November 2005 by Bill Barber, a local resident, with the permission of Bruce Long, Paul Long's son.
Status [1976] - The cemetery is square and surrounded by a high dry stone wall. Daylilies and yucca almost surround the exterior walls. A lilac grows on the south side. Two headstones, rough and uninscribed, are visible inside the enclosure although much refuse of every kind has been dumped and burned here-to keep down snakes so it is said. No one seems able to provide a clue to the graves inside the Wall.
Status [2005] - The cemetery remains essentially unchanged. According to Bruce Long, Paul Long's son, two people (a man and woman) were buried in the cemetery in the mid-1800s but the names are unknown. He also relays an anecdote about the cemetery. In the early 1900's a Mr. Willie Mitchum was driving a wagon when the horse spooked and Mr. Mitchum ended up getting his leg caught between the bed and the front wheel. Infection set in and the leg had to be amputated. He whittled a hickory tree limb to use as a false leg. Later, his two sons were daring each other when they were splitting wood and one of the sons cut his brother's finger off and they decided to bury the finger along with their father's leg in this cemetery.
Unknown, Unknown (b. - d. )
Web page updated 15 April 2021
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