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Location - In Bingham Township west of Carrboro off Joe Mack Road (SR #1103). On the site of the old McCauley house. Private property.
Coordinates: 35d 56m 14.0s N; 79d 08m 49.0s W Click here for Online Maps
Survey - This cemetery was surveyed on November 29, 1975. An unsuccessful attempt to relocate it was made in 2005. The coordinates refer to the property on which it is located (PIN 9759-56-2060).
Graves - There were 2 marked graves and 6 unmarked graves.
Status [1975] - Although it is an abandoned cemetery in a woods, the gravestones have been loosened and moved. There are a number of large stones just above row 1, and some of these may mark graves. There are only 2 pronounced depressions. The stone oval is obviously a child's grave. The earliest marked stone (1815), that of B. R[eeves ?], is interesting since it was obviously engraved either with a round object or with a compass-like instrument. (Note: Some photographs were taken and are on 35mm slides in the Engstrom collection in the photo archive in the UNC Library. They would be displayed here but the cost of copies is prohibitive.)
Comment - The location on the lot was given as: "The Reeves Cemetery is more or less behind the McCauley house at the northwestern corner of a rectangular meadow bounded by a pine woods on its northern side. At very nearly the northwestern corner of the meadow where the pines begin to give way to hardwoods, one can see several large tall (3') stumps within the woodland. These mark the cemetery."
R----, B (b. - d. 21 Jun 1815)
Reevs, M (b. - d. 15 Mar 1876)
Web page updated 15 April 2021
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