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Location - In NE Cedar Grove Township .25 mi north of the Caviness Jordan Road (SR #1506) intersection with Hurdle Mills Road (becomes SR #1506). Private property with controlled access.
Coordinates: 36d 13m 51.0s N; 79d 08m 17.0s W Click here for Online Maps
Survey - This cemetery was surveyed March 8, 1975. Milton Forsyth visited and photographed the cemetery in February 2005.
Graves, Marked - There were 16 marked graves.
Graves, Unmarked - There were 14 unmarked graves.
Comments [2005] - Turn west off Hurdle Mills Road onto a dirt lane (secured by a locked cable) between a white frame house (formerly Jordan) and just south of several restored log cabins along the road. Cemetery is 2165 ft NW from the entrance to the property, at the edge of a clump of trees past an old tenant house and barns, near the end of the winding lane. Well-maintained and enclosed by a chain-link fence. A new family monument lists a number of the persons buried here. The property was also once known as the "Reid place." See the letter under "Reid, Rufus A." in the burials listing.
DeBettencourt, Alexander D. (b. 1912 - d. 1988)
Military Marker, Major, US Army, WW-II, Korea
Harris, Thomas W (b. 1914 - d. 1974)
Horner, James H (b. 21 Aug 1910 - d. 15 Oct 1910)
Son of R. E. and M. V. Horner. Footstone: J.H.H.
Horner, R. E. (b. 9 Oct 1880 - d. 12 Apr 1918)
'At Rest'. 'May He find you in the life everlasting'. Footstone: R.E.H.
Pope, B (b. 1833 - d. )
Pope, Dolly P. Sartin (b. 1814 - d. 1858)
Pope, Elizabeth (b. 1831 - d. 1893)
Pope, George Henry (b. 20 Aug 1902 - d. 3 Jul 1903)
Son of P. H. and Jennie Bet Pope. Footstone: G.H.P.
Pope, Henry P. (b. 1822 - d. 1905)
Pope, Hubert Clyde (b. 24 Feb 1906 - d. 7 May 1907)
Son of P. H. and Jennie Bet Pope. Footstone: H.C.P.
Pope, Infant (b. 3 Apr 1907 - d. 22 Apr 1907)
Infant Son of P. H. and Jennie Bet Pope
Pope, Jennie Bet (b. 12 Mar 1871 - d. 11 Oct 1907)
Spouse - P.H. Pope. Footstone: J.B.P.
Pope, Joel (b. 1816 - d. 20 Sep 1834)
(Letters scratched in rough stone) (month of death is questionable). Also listed on Family Marker.
Pope, Mary (b. 1826 - d. 1892)
Pope, Mary Elizabeth (b. 1 Jan 1891 - d. 7 Jul 1892)
Daughter of P. H. and Minnie L. Pope. Footstone: M.E.P.
Pope, Mary Malone (b. 1832 - d. )
Pope, Mary Wheeley (b. 1792 - d. 1877)
Pope, Minnie Laurah (b. 13 Dec 1873 - d. 29 Dec 1898)
Spouse - P.H. Pope. Footstone: M.L.P.
Pope, Rachel (b. 1824 - d. 1895)
Pope, Thomas H. (b. 1792 - d. 1858)
B. 6 M-- 1792 D. 19 A-- 1858
Potafield, Dolly (b. 8 Mar 1817 - d. Jul 1859)
(Letters scratched in rough stone) (last name and birth day and year are questionable.)
Reid, Malvenia Susan Pope (b. 15 May 1863 - d. 31 Dec 1946)
Spouse - Rufus A. Reid. 'Until the day break, and the shadows flee away.' Footstone: M.S.R.
Reid, Rufus A. (b. 30 Jun 1856 - d. 4 Dec 1916)
Spouse - Malvenia Susan Pope Reid. Footstone: R. A. R.
From a letter from Louise (------) [possibly Louise Roberts Clayton] to M. C. Engstrom dated 12 Mar 1975): "I am excited about your being able to find so many inscriptions ... I have the family Bible with some dates recorded. The two graves on the west side of the cemetery -- Rufus A. and Malvenia Susan (Pope) Reid -- are my grandparents. I never knew my grandfather but my grandmother (called Beanie) was one of the beautiful people in my life. The tenant house you passed on the way to the cemetery is the original house. The original part is one large log room with a large rock fireplace, a little winding stairway in the corner which leads to the attic room above. The log kitchen stood just west of the house. One of my first memories is of my father tearing the kitchen down. Old wooden looms, spinning wheels, etc., were brought down from the attic of the kitchen and burned - horrors! The kitchen fireplace even had wooden put-hooks which I can barely remember. I do not remember the kitchen being used as a kitchen. It was the wash house and 'tator house when I remember. My mother told me tales about a lot of things and she described how they had their formal herb garden, flower garden and vegetable garden on the north side of the house. I can remember a remnant of beautiful purple iris, a couple of snowball (I think) bushes and a winesap apple tree that were still there when I was a tot. I was born in that house. My grandmother lived in the house that is burned, you mentioned the chimneys. I have never been able to determine how old that original log room might be. It goes way, way back."'
Web page updated 15 April 2021
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