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Location - In Chapel Hill Township on the west side of Tallyho Trail (SR #2213), just past Lair Court (SR #2215), 15 ft from the roadway.
Coordinates: 35d 57m 27.0s N; 79d 05m 11.3s W Click here for Online Maps
Survey - Mrs. Doak and Mrs. Engstrom surveyed the cemetery on December 7, 1972. See the PLAT by Mrs. Engstrom. Margaret Jones of the Orange County Environment & Resource Conservation Department accompanied Robert Hogan to the site on January 19, 2006 and provided photographs. Milton Forsyth revised the directions to the site (which were totally outdated due to development) and added a status description following a visit on February 7, 2006.
Graves, Marked - There were 3 marked graves.
Graves, Unmarked - 14 unmarked graves.
Comment - There is Bible data on this family from the Bible of Chesley P. Lloyd in the Southern Historical Collection, UNC, courtesy of Mrs. T. M. Andrews.
Status [2006] - This small family cemetery measuring approximately 40 ft N-S and 35 ft E-W is surrounded by a low and in places indistinguishable dirt mound. It sits under a minor power line between two homes on the west side of Tallyho Trail. It is unattended and overgrown with small bushes. Three engraved stones are still present, but one is broken and fragmentary. There are other fieldstone markers and depressions present, but it was difficult to picture the layout as depicted in the 1972 plat because of the undergrowth. Orange Co. PIN: 9870-43-5474
Hogan, Daniel (b. 4 Jan 1786 - d. 5 Jul 1849)
Son of Daniel I. Hogan and Sarah Lloyd Hogan.
Hogan, Daniel (b. 29 Jul 1753 - d. 19 Jan 1787)
Husband of Sarah Lloyd Hogan. The new marker was purchased in 2008 by Mr. Cleo Hogan and installed by the late Rob Hogan, Jr.
Hutchins, Mary Elizabeth (b. 14 Jul 1850 - d. 21 Jan 1851)
'Sleep on sweet babe' (died: Jan. (or June) 21, 1851)
Lloyd, Mary Elizabeth (b. - d. 4 Aug 1844)
Web page updated 15 April 2021
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