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Location - In north central Little River Township near the Person County line in the woods in back of the house at 5615 Gray Road (SR #1526); 120 paces WSW (240 deg.) into the woods from the house. Approximate coordinates 36 deg, 14 min, 00 sec north; 79 deg, 00 min, 13 sec west.
Coordinates: 36d 13m 58.7s N; 79d 00m 11.4s W Click here for Online Maps
Survey - This cemetery was surveyed on March 11, 1994 by Milton D. Forsyth, Jr.
Graves, Marked - There was 1 marked grave, but the stone was loose, one portion of a field stone with the carved initials ''J. A.'' (Joseph Armstrong). From deeds and wills, 4 of the persons buried here are known.
Graves, Unmarked - There were 6 graves marked only by field stones or depressions.
Status - Unattended, and not easily accessable to the public as it is bounded on four sides by private property. A beautiful wooded site covered with periwinkle. The one loose marked stone is in a brick-mound enclosed burial plot assumed to be that of Joseph and Margaret Armstrong. The other 5 graves are in a line to the south of this enclosure, and appear to have fallen field stone head and foot markers. In 1999 the stones were excavated and examined by a descendant of the family along with Milton Forsyth and Jean Bradley Anderson, but no other markings were found.
County Data - See OC Deed Book 32:145 and OC DB 52:180. Cemetery is located On OC tax map 1.2.6a (incorrectly included in a survey for a 31.31 acre sale in 1970, OC DB 226:1493, Plat Book 18:73).
Photo by Milton Forsyth is a view of Armstrong Cemetery looking north across the graves. The mounded grave plot with the stone marked [J.A.] is to the top of the photo. 1889 Deed Plot showing location of Armstrong Family Cemetery.
Armstrong, Anne (Nancy) Gibson (b. 1750 - d. 2 Mar 1833)
Wife of William Armstrong.
Armstrong, Joseph (b. 1771 - d. 26 Oct 1840)
Husband of Margaret Watson Armstrong. Engraved Field Stone 'J. A.'. Photo by Milton Forsyth.
see OC WB F:76.
Armstrong, Margaret (Peggy) Watson (b. 1780 - d. 2 Aug 1841)
Wife of Joseph Armstrong; Daughter of James Watson (See Oc Wb D:49; oc Marriage Bond 21 Aug 1802).
Armstrong, William (b. 1745 - d. 14 Nov 1814)
Settled In Orange County In The 1750s. Son of Joseph Armstrong of hamilton Township, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania And Formerly of county Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland.
soldier of The American Revolution, North Carolina Line.
see Oc Wb D:416.
Web page updated 15 April 2021
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