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Location - Located in the Eno River State Park in Eno Township, with access from the State Park parking area at the west end of Howe Street (which is off Sparger Road in Durham County). A marked hiking trail leaves the parking area on the left (west) side going north toward the river. About 10 paces to the east of the hiking trail is the entrance to another trail. This is an old road; follow this old road north 0.25 mi to the cemetery near the river.
Coordinates: 36d 02m 36.0s N; 78d 59m 23.0s W Click here for Online Maps
Survey - Surveyed on March 12, 1972. (See the plat). Photographs of 6 stones found were made by Milton Forsyth in 2005.
Graves, Marked - There are 12 marked graves.
Graves, Unmarked - There were 39 unmarked graves.
Graves - There were a total of 51 graves (with 4 others removed) in the cemetery.
Note - The researcher is directed to the book by Hugh Conway Browning, 'More Orange County, North Carolina, Families: Breeze, Brown, Cabe, Johnston, Latta, Lockhart, McCown, Patterson, Piper, Strayhorn, etc.,' (Chapel Hill, NC: Davie Poplar Chapter, NSDAR, 1968).
C----, M M (b. - d. 1822)
'DC 1822' (Now placed as footstone for John Cabe)
Cabe, John (b. - d. 21 Apr 1818)
"Here Lies The Body of John Cabe, Esqr. Who Died April 21st 1818. aged 66 Years." Footstone. J.C.
Notes by Jean Bradley Anderson: John Cabe (c. 1752 - 21 Apr 1818) married Mary Strayhorn, daughter of Gilbert and Margaret Roan Strayhorn. The marriage bond is dated 15 Feb 1786. This was his 2nd marriage. Margaret was the Mother of his nine little girls. Mary is buried in the old New Hope Presbyterian Church cemetery (#052).
Rachel Cabe, John's sister, married James Strayhorn, Son of Gilbert and Margaret Strayhorn. Catherine Cabe, John's sister, married David Strayhorn, another Son of Gilbert and Margaret Strayhorn; bond dated Jan 1790. John, Rachel and Catherine were three of the six Children of Barnaby and Elizabeth (Betsy) Perkins Cabe.
Cabe, Nancy (b. - d. 17 Jun 1808)
"Here Lies The Body of Nancy, Relict of John Cabe, Esqr. Who Died June 17th 1808. Aged 46 Years." Footstone: N.C.
Couch, Nathan (b. 23 Dec 1839 - d. 11 Mar 1874)
McCowan, J. H. (b. 1 Aug 1850 - d. 5 Aug 1924)
McCown, Elizabeth G Arnold (b. 30 Aug 1827 - d. 23 Apr 1852)
Wife of John Cabe McCown. 'Mother'. Footstone: E.G.M.
McCown, John Cabe (b. 16 Sep 1817 - d. 24 Nov 1880)
'Father'. Footstone: J.C.M.
McCown, Moses Ellis (b. 10 Aug 1849 - d. 10 Jun 1925)
Shields, John McCulloch (b. 1 Sep 1878 - d. 29 Aug 1902)
"To the memory of". "We miss theee from our home, dear. We miss the from thy place. A . oer our life is cast. We miss the sunshine of thy face. We miss thy kind and willing hand, thy fond and earnest care. Our home is dark without thee. We miss the everywhere." Footstone: J.M.S.
Shields, Joseph H (b. - d. 15 Feb 1939)
(Temporary funeral marker, now indecipherable. Date of death (year 193(9)?)
Shields, W. T. (b. 1 Apr 1840 - d. 18 Mar 1919)
Shields, William T., Jr. (b. - d. )
(Also has a tombstone at Pleasant Green Methodist Church Cemetery which reads: "W T Shields Apr 1, 1843, Died Mar 18, 1919, Son of Wm T and Jane Cabe Shields) W. T. Shield's wife, Omega F. Cox Shields, D. 1930, is also buried at Pleasant Green; and it has been conjectured that W. T. Shield's grave was removed from the John Cabe Cemetery to Pleasant Green in 1930 at the time of her interment.
Sims, Rachel Cabe (b. 23 Aug 1792 - d. 14 Mar 1865)
Grand Mother, Moses McCown and Rachel Cabe married June 10, 1813 and Herbert Sims and Rachel Cabe McCown married 7 Apr 1831. Footstone: R.C.S.
Strayhorn, John C (b. 30 Oct 1890 - d. 27 Feb 1965)
Son of W. D. and Mattie S. Strayhorn (Body removed to McMannen's Chapel Cemetery.)
Strayhorn, Mattie S (b. 20 Aug 1850 - d. 22 Jul 1837)
(A great-granddaughter of John Cabe through Jane Cabe Shields and her husband, W. T. Shields, Sr. then through their son, John Cabe Shields. Body removed to McMannen's Chapel Cemetery.)
Strayhorn, Orella (b. - d. 1890)
Infant daughter of W. D. and Mattie S. Strayhorn (Body removed to McMannen's Chapel Cemetery)
Strayhorn, Wm D (b. 22 Sep 1863 - d. 29 Aug 1903)
(Body removed to McMannen's Chapel Cemetery)
Web page updated 15 April 2021
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