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Location - In Southern Eno Township west of University Station Rd (SR #1712) in a trailer park with an entrance 0.3 mi. south of the Hwy US 70 Bypass. The trailer park lies between Myrtlewood Dr on the north and Wrenn Rd on the south. A modern memorial monument lies flat 250 ft. NE of the trailer park road in what is now a portion of the septic field system for the park.
Coordinates: 36d 02m 44.3s N; 79d 01m 41.9s W Click here for Online Maps
Also referred to as the Strayhorn-Borland Family Cemetery.
Survey - This cemetery was surveyed November 29, 1974. Margaret Jones of the Orange County Environment & Resource Conservation Department and Milton Forsyth visited the site on January 26, 2006 and provided the photograph and site update.
Graves, Marked - There were 9 marked stones.
Graves, Unmarked - There were probably 9 rows of unmarked graves.
Status [2006] - In 1974 the site was described as: "Periwinkle, very large dead trees, small cedars and pines. Some years ago the trailer camp encroached on the cemetery and some graves were destroyed." By 1984 the site had been severely desecrated and the Orange County Health Department worked with the trailer park owner to remedy the situation. In April 1991 the monument was installed and in 1992 the septic system was installed with permission of the county. The original gravestones appear to have been lost, leaving the memorial monument to mark the site of this old family cemetery.
Bolland, Suseana (b. - d. 4 Aug 1850)
Borland, Alexander (b. 1797 - d. )
Will D-602, dated Jan. 21, 1818, proved Aug. 1821: Alexander married Susannah (-----), children: Andrew m. Polly Strayhorn; Archibald m. Mary (Strayhorn?); Abraham (no wife listed); Susannah, Jenney and Nancy unmarried; Elizabeth m. Moulder; Mary m. Stout; Sally m. Strayhorn (taken from notes prepared by Mary Claire Engstrom).
Borland, Mary (b. 9 Sep 1800 - d. Aug 1849)
Wife of Archibald Borland (stone broken and buried under soil). Daughter of James Strayhorn and Rachel Cabe.
Strayhorn, G (b. - d. )
Strayhorn, Jasper (b. - d. 10 May 1832)
Aged 1 Yr., 2 Mo., 21 D. Son of J. and S. Strayhorn.
Strayhorn, John (b. 7 Sep 1791 - d. 16 Aug 1858)
Spouse - Susan Strayhorn. "Sacred to the memory of". Aged 66 Yrs., 11 M., 8 Ds. Footstone: Blank. "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth yea saith the Spirit that they may rest from their labors, and their works do follow them."
Strayhorn, John (b. - d. )
Son of J. and S. Strayhorn. Died Nov 2(?) (stone broken)
Strayhorn, Susan (b. 15 Jun 1799 - d. 11 Aug 1871)
Spouse - John Strayhorn. (stone fallen) Footstone: S.S.
Strayhorn, Susan F. (b. 11 Aug 1839 - d. 11 Sep 1839)
'Sacred to the memory of ----, Daughter of J. and S. Strayhorn. Suffer little children to come unto Me and forbid them not'
Strayhorn, Susan J. (b. 31 May 1861 - d. 26 Aug 1878)
Footstone: S.J.S. (out of position)
Thompson, Walter A. (b. - d. Sep 1888)
Pvt. Co. 11 Miss. Inf. Mexican War (rough stone)
Web page updated 15 April 2021
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