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--- WELCOME ---
This is the Internet Web edition of the Cemetery Survey of Orange County North Carolina. It is brought to you by the Cemetery Census. We hope you will find it
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to time.
If you note any problems with using this data please advise Cemetery Census. If in your use of the data you note any errors, missing entries for any
cemetery, changes needed to any data entry, or older cemeteries, family burial
grounds or individual gravesites not included in this survey that you have
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You are invited and encouraged to read the following summary of the origin of
this data and how it came to be here today.
We suggest that you read this summary at least once, probably before
starting to use the data, as it contains important information that may bear on
your research.
Special Note: Since many of the original location descriptions were done before 1976, some of the cemeteries need to be "rediscovered" - some were never located even then. See this linked document for a list of "Lost" cemeteries. THE CEMETERY SURVEY OF ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Originally compiled under the direction of Mary Claire (Mrs. Alfred G.) Engstrom, Ph.D. (1906-1997) in the early 1970s, revised and expanded beginning in 1995.

Mary Claire Engstrom examines a headstone in the Hicks Cemetery, August 6, 1975
Photo by Dr. Duncan Heron
"Orange County is an old and extremely populous county and perhaps no other county in North Carolina could have presented such a huge task of searching, identifying, and alphabetizing. It has been such an enormous and difficult job that we've called ourselves foolhardy a dozen times over - but we haven't stopped because this is literally the very last moment in Orange County history... when any such survey can be done." Mary Claire Engstrom, c. 1976 WHAT IS THIS MATERIAL? Orange County, North Carolina was established in 1752 from Bladen, Granville and Johnston counties. It originally consisted of parts of eleven present-day counties. A western portion of Orange County became parts of Randolph and Guilford (and eventually Rockingham) counties in 1770. Chatham County was established and pieces of today's Wake and Lee counties were also removed from Orange County in 1770. Caswell County, which originally included present-day Person County, was formed in 1771 from Orange. In more recent times (genealogy wise), Alamance County was formed from Orange in 1849 and Durham County was formed from Orange in 1881 - leaving the present-day Orange County. This makes searching for burial places for one's ancestors who lived in Orange County before these dates a challenge. This cemetery survey of the present Orange County originally consisted of about 18,500 name record entries from some 250 church, municipal, trustee, commercial and family cemeteries and individual burial sites. The survey was prepared almost entirely in the 1970s, although a few entries were made in the mid-1980s when the information was being compiled into data files. When the personal computer (PC) database was prepared in 1996 it was found that some data from the original survey had not been included in the original compilation and this data was added. Also some information on older cemeteries was updated and a few newly located cemeteries were included. With the increasing availability of digital photography and inexpensive high-quality handheld Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers a project was begun in 2004 to photograph and define the location of all the burial places in Orange County. The hundreds of blue "PHOTO" graphics next to individual name entries which take the viewer to a high-quality gravestone photograph and the addition of "Coordinates" to many cemetery descriptions are largely a result of this effort. Many burials have been added to the cemetery lists through the addition of photos of gravestones placed subsequent to the 1970s survey. The Orange County Planning Department and the Orange County Environment and Resource Conservation Department have collected information on cemeteries for some years, initially through the interest of Jean Bradley Anderson of the Orange County Preservation Commission, and a number of these are new finds. Also, the county tax mapping department occasionally receives information on a cemetery from land surveys and they add its location to their maps. This information is added to the survey as it becomes available. The additional entries over the years have increased the database to some 300 cemeteries with a total of nearly 26,000 named burials or unidentified graves as of mid-2014. However, many more burials since the 1976 survey are not included in the database, especially those in church, municipal, and commercial cemeteries where the recording and/or compilation of the information may be a challenging and time-consuming task. Additionally, since most of the original location descriptions were done in the mid-1970s, some cemeteries with location directions that are now obscure have not been rediscovered; some were not even found at the time of the original survey. See this linked document for a list of these "Lost" cemeteries. Cemetery and burial additions and changes to the survey are listed at the end of this summary, to which the reader is directed. BACKGROUND OF THE 1970s SURVEY This survey was originally compiled under the direction of Mary Claire (Mrs. Alfred G.) Engstrom, Ph.D. (1906-1997). Mrs. Engstrom was for many years a member of the Historic Hillsborough Commission, Hillsborough, Orange County, NC and served as its chair from 1964-1966 and 1976-1983. She was a dedicated historical and genealogical researcher. While looking for cemetery records for Orange County in the late 1950s she saw that many of the sparse records available were from surveys conducted by untrained WPA employees from 1937 to 1940. When she assumed her position as chair of the commission she set out to improve this situation. She began by making surveys of some of the local Hillsborough cemeteries herself; then she organized the survey. The cemetery survey of the 1970s was one of her major accomplishments. Her papers for this period, other than the cemetery survey files, are housed in the Southern Historical Collection of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill [collection 4684], and comprise some 10,000 items taking up almost 14 linear feet. She also left an extensive collection of slides and photographs, which are housed in the North Carolina Collection Photographic Archives at UNC under the title - "P50: Mary Claire Engstrom Collection." This collection includes two boxes of 35mm slides entitled: "Slides of churches, cemeteries, and graves." The cemetery survey files, consisting of two full file drawers of data, are archived in the Vital Records section of the Orange County Register of Deeds office in Hillsborough. Here are several examples of the pages from these original survey files: 
The WPA survey in North Carolina in the late 1930s had identified some Orange County cemeteries. A card list of names from this survey is available in the North Carolina State Archives, and some of this material has been published by researchers. Occasional surveys over the years by individuals had provided a few lists of burials in various cemeteries. Under Mrs. Engstrom's guidance and with her husband's dedicated assistance ("...but none [helped] so much as my husband who spent many and many a hot day every summer reading tombstones for me..."), volunteers sought to identify and where possible locate all burial grounds in the present Orange County - white, African-American (Black) and Native American, old and new, obvious and obscure. They then surveyed them and determined something about their background and history where possible. There was an effort under the direction of Dr. Charles H. Blake to prepare an "Orange County Historical Map" in connection with the 1976 bicentennial, and many cemetery locations were entered on the drafts of this map. A separate map index was also prepared to indicate the cemetery locations on the map. Unfortunately the map was never produced. These drafts, in sections, are in box 9 of Mrs. Engstrom's papers in the UNC collection, but they are difficult to use. In any event, they have been replaced by current computer displays of cemetery locations. THE SURVEY COMPILATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE ONLINE DATABASE It is clear from Mrs. Engstrom's papers that she had intended to publish the material, but the immensity of that task in the pre-PC age and other responsibilities interfered with this goal. However, in 1978 she provided copies of some of the cemetery compilations for the Hillsborough area to the Orange County Register of Deeds, Miss Betty June Hayes. She entitled these hand-written burial lists: "Excerpts from the Unpublished 3 Volume Survey, ORANGE COUNTY CEMETERY RECORDS, Compiled by Mary Claire Engstrom with Beatrice B. Doak." Miss Hayes prepared for her office's genealogical research room a three-volume summary of the cemetery surveys for Orange County then available, consisting primarily of the 1937-1940 NC Historical Records Survey and Mrs. Engstrom's records. The introduction page of these volumes is on the left below; the books are pictured on the right: 
That was apparently as far as Mrs. Engstrom got with the publication, and in the mid-1980s she entrusted the survey information in the form of some 300 file folders to the Office of Register of Deeds. Under the direction of Miss Hayes the major portion of it was entered into mainframe computer data format over a two and one-half year period and stored on an IBM tape. A printout of the data was made available to researchers in 1988 at the Vital Records section of the office. The printout was in cemetery order by alphabetical surname, but did not have a master alphabetical index, so searching for the burial location of a person with a specific surname was difficult. By Mrs. Engstrom's desire the printout was not otherwise released for general use. The printout was bound into five books and looked like this: 
In 1994 at the urging of the late Thomas Nathan "Nat" Clark of Alamance County, a leader of the NC Sons of the American Revolution and a long-time genealogy volunteer at the Orange County Library in Hillsborough, a copy was printed for that library for use in their North Carolina Collection. This was primarily so that persons who were not able to use the materials at the government offices during the day would be able to do so at the library on evenings and weekends. Milton Forsyth, a member of the Durham-Orange Genealogical Society, had for some time encouraged Miss Hayes to make the data available to the society. In late 1995 at the request of Miss Hayes the managers of Mrs. Engstrom's trust, who handled her business affairs, granted Miss Hayes authority to release the data. She then kindly arranged to make a copy of the original IBM data tape available to the society. In November-December 1995 Allen Dew of the society converted that information into a database that could be used on a PC. The database was developed into a cemetery and burial display program available for DOS-based PCs and was distributed on floppy diskettes. Milton Forsyth assisted by editing and verifying the data over a six-week period in January-February 1996. During this process he was given access to the original records and discovered that there was useful data there that had not been included in the compiled data. He reviewed all the files and tried to include as much of this as he could. The first diskettes were ready for distribution in late February 1996. An image of the computer display below shows the cemetery program as it was compiled for distribution. The cemetery listing is on the left and the burials listing is on the right: 
With the advent of widespread use of the World Wide Web the information was converted by Allen Dew to HTML format that creates web displays that today anyone with access to the Internet can readily use. Additionally, links to images of plats and other materials from the original survey may be included in the display. A researcher needing more detailed information about a specific cemetery may request permission to consult the original cemetery survey files in the Register of Deeds office to see if the cemetery folder contains any additional data of importance. UPDATING THE SURVEY Allen Dew began in the late 1990s to add digital gravestone photographs and additional burial entries from these photographs to the survey. In 2003 he initiated a more comprehensive project to photograph and relocate cemeteries in a number of counties for his expanding website "" using the new photographic and location technology. In December 2004 Milton Forsyth began visiting Orange County cemetery sites for the purpose of obtaining a Global Positioning System (GPS) location fix and, where needed, at least an overall photograph of the cemetery site. In all, through 2005 he visited about 140 sites, some of which had been seen only by hunters, loggers or casual wanderers since the survey of the 1970s. He used the Garmin eTrex Legend Personal Navigator GPS unit, which had a typical accuracy of from 15 to 40 feet, depending on reception. For a number of small family cemeteries and one older large cemetery in a wooded area he photographed with a digital camera all gravestones he could locate. He was able to bring up-to-date a number of locations that had been made obscure by land development and changes in roads since the 1970s. Where appropriate he revised the description of the cemetery - he discovered several cemeteries no longer existed. Milton was joined in January 2006 by Margaret Jones of the Orange County Environment and Resource Conservation Department, who had for several years been establishing a database of cemetery locations for the county. (In 2012 she moved to the Land Records\GIS Division of the Tax Administration Office). She had herself visited and photographed some of the sites and had contributed photos to the survey. Together they have tracked down some of the more difficult-to-locate cemeteries, and from various sources learned of other cemeteries that had not been included in the original survey. A contributor to their effort was Margaret's fellow worker Heather Wagner of the Orange County Environment and Resource Conservation Department. She was updating the Architectural Survey of Orange County and provided locations, information about, and photographs of cemeteries she encountered in her work. Cemetery Census has and continues to maintain the cemetery database, and to add new and updated material as it becomes available. Cemetery Census may be reached at:, or by mail at Cemetery Census, 3230 Walters Rd, Creedmoor, NC 27522-8641 APPRECIATION - THE SURVEY GROUP During several presentations in the 1970s Mrs. Engstrom mentioned those who had been the key workers on this project. The scripts from those presentations are in her papers, and it is fitting that those who made important contributions should be recognized. In 1975 the cemetery survey committee consisted of: Dr. and Mrs. A. G. Engstrom, Miss Annie Cameron, Jerry (Mrs. Thomas S.) Kenion, Jean Bradley (Mrs. Carl) Anderson, and Beatrice B. (Mrs. George O.) Doak. Another earlier list of the survey group included Elizabeth Alexander, Hugh Conway Browning, William R. Chappell, Jack Evans, Onie Burns Evans, Virginia Cathey Forrest, William Johnston Hogan, and Becky Knowles in addition to the above names. Thanks were expressed to a great number of other persons who had contributed information and assistance to the project. One volunteer deserving special mention is Beatrice Doak. Mrs. Engstrom wrote in the draft for one presentation: "And then in 1972 the Chapel Hill Historical Society most fortunately assigned Mrs. George O. Doak (Beatrice - Bea Doak) to work with me - and we have worked most profitably together ever since. It is entirely accurate to say that in particular the large group of family cemeteries in Orange County - hardest to find and hardest to survey - could not have been done without Mrs. Doak's help." Records show that in 1973 Bea Doak visited 59 cemeteries and in 1974 she surveyed 54. Continued surveys and rechecks from 1975 through March 1977 amounted to many more trips across Orange County. In a report dated August 20, 1977, Mrs. Engstrom noted: "The survey of Orange County cemeteries has been seriously hampered for many months by the illness, operation, and convalescence of Mrs. George O. Doak, one-half of the cemetery survey team. Since the survey is nearly completed, it has not seemed advisable to train another surveyor." Beatrice Doak died in early 1978; there was apparently little work done on the project after she became ill, testimony to her importance in the effort. APPRECIATION - THOSE WHO MADE THE INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC Miss Betty June Hayes (1929-2008) was the Orange County Register of Deeds from 1954 to 1998; she was the first woman elected to a countywide office in Orange County and held it for 44 years until she retired at age 69. She was associated with this material from the beginning and recognized the need to make it more widely available. Miss Hayes was forward-looking and led the effort to put the information into computer data format. She noted that her staff, especially Betty Owens and LeAnn Turbyfill, worked many hours over a several year period typing the data into computer format. In addition to her enthusiastic efforts in working to release the material, she coordinated with Roland Lee and Jane Sparks of the Data Processing Department of the Orange County government to facilitate the transfer of the data from the county computer system in November 1995. The project would not have proceeded without her approval and assistance, which was greatly appreciated. Virginia Forrest (1925-1996), a member of the survey team and for some years Deputy Register of Deeds in charge of the Vital Records section, was during and after her tenure ended in 1990 an invaluable source of information about the survey. From her desk in the office she routinely provided guidance on what cemetery listing on the printout to search for a particular family name, since there was no alphabetical index. Joyce Harshaw, who followed her in that position, insured the continuing availability of the original survey files, as have her successors. Allen Dew, a long-time member of the Durham-Orange Genealogical Society and a computer professional, performed the key role of converting the data to PC format from the IBM EBCDIC-format half-inch tape in December 1995. He spent many hours resolving formatting problems in the data and preparing the database program that presented the information in a readily accessible manner. Later he managed the conversion to HTML format for the World Wide Web. He spent considerable personal funds on this effort. The establishment of this Orange County database led eventually to Allen's website "" with listings of cemeteries throughout North Carolina and other states. Allen maintains this website as a free service to the public. Milton D. Forsyth, Jr., a resident of Orange County from 1988, was a frequent user of the cemetery information in conjunction with his work with the Durham-Orange Genealogical Society. He coordinated the acquisition of the material and manually edited, corrected and verified the PC database in January - February 1996. He performed another major editing job involving uppercase/lowercase conversion when the data was converted to HTML format (the original data was all uppercase). He later went on to research many cemeteries and add a great deal of information to the survey. Margaret Jones, an employee of the Orange County government who worked with the county's Geographic Information System (GIS), joined Milton in 2006 and together they located and surveyed many small cemeteries. Her expertise in GIS and land records, her contacts in the government and the county, and her interest in cemetery research added a great deal to the effort. Others who provided update information and/or visited cemeteries and generously made photographs available were: Ellen and Jim Kerley; Shirley Glasgow; Jacqueline Tilley Wilkerson; Betty Stanley Holbert; Denise Currin; Marge Thompson; Josie Foushee Smith; Heather Wagner; Benjamin Berry Henderson; Gary Thompson; Cedar Glasgow; Trudy Harris; Amanda C. Hatfield; Terri Bradshaw O'Neill; Steve Rankin; Richard Ellington; Pastor David Atwater of Antioch Baptist Church; David N. Terry; Clint Smith; Tom Magnuson; Beverly Scarlett; and Bebe Johns Fox. Additional contributors may be noted in the individual cemetery descriptions. And finally, this entire project would not have been possible without the kind assistance of descendants, landowners, and interested local residents who provided access and directions to many of the cemetery locations and in some instances information about the history of the cemeteries. We thank them. [Revised and Updated January 2015 by Milton Forsyth.] ---------------- HAPPY SEARCHING! ---------------- --- UPDATES --- - 15 Feb 1996 - Added cemeteries 104 [cross-ref 112], 120, 128, 130, 140. [MDF]
- 12 Jun 1996 - Rev. comments on Christopher Barbee Cemetery; updated Old Eno Cemetery text; entered coordinates for 15 cems; made minor corrections. [MDF]
- 19 Aug 1997 - Added burials in Little River Presbyterian Church Cemetery (039) current through 1995 from provided list. Minor corrections to several other burials. [MDF]
- 19 Aug 2000 - Added Scarlett Family Cemetery (300) [APD]
- 10 Nov 2001 - Name correction to Mt. Zion Christian Church Cemetery. Additions and corrections to same. [APD]
- 25 Mar 2002 - Additions and corrections posted. [APD]
- 1 Mar 2003 - Cemetery 113 Couch Family (1888) photographs of complete cemetery added. [APD]
- May 2003 - Cemetery 079, Hillsborough Memorial Cemetery, photographs of about 700 markers, and 053, New Sharon UM Church; photographs provided by Jacqueline Tilley Wilkerson and Ellen F. Kerley.
Cemetery 043, Mt. Carmel Baptist Church and Sparrow Family, a number of photographs provided by Milton Forsyth. Cemetery 162, Merritt Family, photographs of all gravestones provided by Milton Forsyth. Cemetery 045, Mt Hermon Baptist Church; photographs of all gravestones provided by Allen Dew. [APD]
- August 2003 - Cemetery 009, Carr UM Church; 021, Eno Presbyterian Church; 022, Fairfield Presbyterian Church; 023, Five Forks Baptist Church; 024, Flat Rock AME Church; 042, Mt. Adar Baptist Church; photographs of gravestones provided by Ellen F. Kerley.
- October 2003 - Added Cemetery 154, Unidentified Cemetery, Possibly Couch Family; survey and photographs by Milton Forsyth.
- December 2003 - Cemetery 010, Cedar Grove UM Church; 017, Ebenezer Baptist Church; and 070, Walnut Grove UM Church; photographs of gravestones provided by Ellen F. Kerley.
- January 2004 - Cemetery 063, Pleasant Grove UM Church, photographs of gravestones provided by Ellen F. Kerley.
- March 2004 - Added Cemetery 160, Peace Family; survey and photographs by Milton Forsyth. Cemetery 019, Efland UM Church, photographs of gravestones provided by Ellen F. Kerley.
- July 2004 - Cemetery 050, New Bethel UM Church, photographs of gravestones provided by Ellen and Jim Kerley.
- October 2004 - Cemetery 195, Stanley-Denson Family; photographs of many gravestones provided by Betty Stanley Holbert of Bossier City, Louisiana.
- December 2004-April 2005 - Revised location and/or status information or added burial(s) information for the following cemeteries was provided by Milton Forsyth: 001, 013, 014, 027, 028, 032, 035, 036, 045, 049, 057, 061, 062, 063, 064, 065, 075, 084, 090, 091, 092, 093, 096, 099, 103, 104, 106, 107, 109, 111, 113, 114, 116, 118, 119, 121, 127, 128, 129, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 139, 146, 147, 148, 149, 157, 161, 163, 164, 169, 170, 172, 174, 177, 178, 179, 187, 191, 195, 202, 203, 209, 210, 214, 215, 220, 245, 275, 292. He provided coordinates and/or overall view photographs for the above and a number of other cemeteries, as well as approximately 330 individual gravestone photographs from some of the cemeteries listed above.
- February 2005 - Corrected portion of Cemetery 015 entry that attributed the cemetery at the intersection of Damascus Church Road and Smith Level Road to the Damascus Church and stated that the Damascus Church cemetery was full, which is incorrect. Actually it is Cemetery 110, Cole-Womble Family, which had previously been unlocated and is now correctly placed. Thanks to Denise Currin of the Damascus Church for calling this to our attention.
- July 2005 - Deleted the following cemetery listings, as the cemeteries are not in Orange County. All are documented in other county's records, as indicated: 140-Barbee, Christopher and William Family Cemetery [Durham Co.]; 248-Smith, Dr. James Strudwick Cemetery [Chatham Co.]; 269-Grier's Presbyterian Church Cemetery [Caswell County]; 270-Rose of Sharon Church Cemetery [Durham Co.]; 279-Jones Family Burials at Jones Grove (same cemetery as 248, above) [Chatham Co.]. Additionally, deleted 285-Sparrow Family Cemetery (cross-indexed to 043-Mt. Carmel Baptist Church) as it was a duplicate cross-index entry. These cemetery numbers will be reused.
- August 2005 - Added Cemetery 140, Christopher Family, inital information by Milton Forsyth; Added Cemetery 190, Atwater Family; survey and photographs by Milton Forsyth.
- September-November 2005 - Added Cemetery 205, McDade Family, survey and photographs by Ellen and Jim Kerley; added Cemetery 193, Green Riley Family Cemetery and Cemetery 197, Wilson Family Cemetery, survey and photographs by Milton Forsyth. Updated Cems 206, 180, 116 and deleted Cemetery 293 as person was buried in 116; changed entries in 064, Old Eno Quaker Cemetery for burials 60, 64, 66 and 68 based on information from Marge Thompson of Texas.
- January-February 2006 - Added Cemetery 208, Strowd/Stroud, survey and photographs by Milton Forsyth; added Cemetery 216, Unidentified Cemetery - Former McAdams Property, survey and photographs by Margaret Jones and Milton Forsyth. Identified previously unlocated Cemetery 250 (Lights/Lyghts-Latta) as Clark Family Cemetery, with survey and photographs by Margaret Jones and Milton Forsyth, and deleted cross-referenced Cem 251 (Latta-Lights/Lyghts). Updated Cems 098, 117, 124, 138, 141, 152, 158, 188, 199, 200, 203, 288, 290. Burials from about 1989-2005 for Cemetery 034, Hickory Grove Baptist Church Cemetery, were added from church records provided by Josie Foushee Smith.
- June 2006 - Deleted Cemetery 185 - Riggsbee (Sparrow) Family, off Clearwater Lake Rd, as was in Chatham County (#E16.1 - Joseph Jordan Riggsbee) and reassigned number. Deleted Cemetery 231 - Faucette's Mill Graves, which was a duplicate (for #102 - Bryant Graves - Faucette Mill) and reassigned number. Added new cemeteries 185, Unidentified Cemetery off Bethel-Hickory Grove Church Rd; 231, Daye Family Cemetry; 248, Crabtree, Joseph Family Cemetery; 251, Reeves, George Family Cemetery; 258, Cabe, William Slave Cemetery (removed data from #105); and 259, Walters, Victor Carl Family Cemetery. Updated or added photographs to cemeteries 005, 030, 051, 052, 068, 088, 090, 094, 102, 105, 115, 126, 127, 171, 184, 186, 195, 196, 198, 209, 215, 217, 219, 232, 276, 299. Photographs and information updates by Milton Forsyth and Margaret Jones.
- January - February 2007 - Added Cemeteries 270, Carey, Jordan Family Cem; Cem 271, Hopson Family Cem; Cem 279, Walker Memory Garden; Cem 281, Hawfields Presbyterian Church Cemetery (Old); Cem 282, Unidentified Cemetery - Olive Creek Development; Cem 283, Unidentified Cemetery - West of Edmund Latta Rd. Deleted Cem 222 as Walker Graves was repeat of other burials at Cem 066, number reused. Substantially revised burial listings and added numerous photographs to Cem 082, Cresmont Memorial Park and Cem 084, Maplewood Cemetery; revised Cem 228, Unlocated Graves in Hillsborough - 1937 Survey. Deleted 1937 Survey-associated Hillsboro Cemetery - Black (Old) as Cem number 227; reused number 227 as Unlocated Cemetery - Silver Fox Lane. Photos added to cemeteries: 020, 052, 068, 069. Revised Cemeteries 025, 034, 115, 120, 205, 211, 212, 295, 296. Photographs and information from Milton Forsyth, Margaret Jones, and Heather Wagner.
- March - April 2007 - Deleted 36 dual-reference cemetery numbers having no data (i. e. "Smith-Jones Cemetery, See Jones-Smith Cemetery for Data"). Deleted Cem 299, Sunnyside Cem (not identified or found; moved to "Lost Cemeteries" listing). These numbers to be reused for new cemeteries. This left 257 listed cemeteries, of which 234 had listed burials and 23 did not. Added Cemeteries 081, Riley-Terry Family Cem; Cem 087, Unidentified Cemetery - Woodgate Drive; Cem 089, Blackwood Family Cem; Cem 095, Hunter's Chapel AME Church Cem; Cem 097, Breeze Family Cem; Cem 112, Pettigrew-Rice Family Cem; Cem 168, Carden Family Cem; Cem 192, Sparrow Family Cem [Old]; Cem 222, Welcome Baptist Church Cem; Cem 223, Judea Reform Congregation Cem. Updated Cem 140, Christopher Family Cem (added all burials and gravestone photos); Cem 273, Tinnin Slave Cem (substantially revised).
- May - July 2007 - Photographs by Ellen and Jim Kerley added for Cem 020, Eno Presbyterian Church Cemetery (Old); Cem 046, Mt. Moriah Baptist Church Cem; Cem 058, Palmer's Grove UM Church Cem. Major revision of Cem 265, Garrett Family Cem; Added Cem 224, Pratt Family Cem. and Cem 225, Coleman Family Cem., by Margaret Jones and Milton Forsyth.
- November - December 2007 - Added Cem 233, Berry, Robert Fam Cem, survey and photographs by Benjamin Berry Henderson; added Cem 234, Unidentified Cem off Wilkerson Rd; added Cem 235, Durham, Archibald Fam Cem. Updated Cem 110, Cole Fam Cem, survey and photographs by Gary Thompson; Cem 289, Couch Fam Cem, totally revised; Cem 156, Mason Farm Cem, rewritten and new photos by Milton Forsyth. Added photos to Cem 229, Old Chapel Hill Cem - White.
- January - March 2008 - Located and updated Cem 125, Currie Fam Cem, renaming as Unidentified Cemetery - Former Craig and Currie Property; Cem 272, Strayhorn, Samuel Slave Cem; Cem 291, Reding, John Grave (formerly incorrectly identified as Joseph Redding grave). Updated Cem 211, Walker, Joe Family Cem. Added Cem 237, Craige, Isaac Fam Cem and Cem 238, Wade Temple Holiness Church Cem. Surveys and photographs by Margaret Jones and Milton Forsyth.
- April - December 2008 - Added photos for Cems 008, Cane Creek Bap. Ch. and Cem 012, Chestnut Ridge UMC, provided by Cedar Glasgow. Rewrote description and photographed gravestones in Cem 122 and renamed Davis, Charles Family Cemetery based on research (previously Davis-Blackwood); Rewrote Cem 132, Hensley Family Cem and renamed Hensley, Spivey Family Cemetery based on research. Added four miscellaneous burials - cems 013 (1), 027 (2), 083 (1). Research/photographs by Milton Forsyth and Margaret Jones.
- January - December 2009 - Added: Cem 239, Unidentified Cemetery - Off Mountain Creek Road, information and photo by Louis Freeland; Cem 240, Unidentified Cemetery - Former Gattis and Maddry Property; Cem 241, Wayside Baptist Church Cemetery, survey of 57 burials and 3 photos by Trudy Harris; Cem 242, Ray Slave Cemetery; and Cem 243, Stevens, John, Burial. Cems 240, 242, 243 research and photographs by Milton Forsyth and Margaret Jones. Updated: Cem 034, Hickory Grove Baptist Church Cem, thru 2008, information from Josie Foushee Smith; Cem 071, White Cross AME Cem, with 107 photos taken by Ellen Kerley; Cem 195, Stanley-Denson Family Cem (also called "Shambley Cem") with Irene Baucom plat with 67 burials, including 33 new unmarked graves, provided by Amanda C. Hatfield; added material to Cem 275, Stanford Family Cem, provided by Terri Bradshaw O'Neill. Revised: Cem 083, County Home (Old) Cemetery, description and burials revised with assistance from Steve Rankin; Cem 153, Lloyd, Steven Family Cemetery and Cem 252, Lloyd, Thomas, Grave, research and photographs by Milton Forsyth and Margaret Jones; Cem 166, Moore-Waddell Graveyard at Moorefields, Richard Ellington provided photos of gravestones in Nov 2009.
- January - October, 2010 - Major update to Cem 003, Antioch Baptist Church Cemetery, increasing the burials from 386 to 728 as of May 2010 by incorporating the church burial records furnished by Pastor David Atwater and processed by Milton Forsyth; updated Cem 043, Mt. Carmel Baptist Church and Sparrow Family Cemetery, thru Spring 2008 with 139 burials and 217 photos, by Milton Forsyth; minor updates to Cem 005, Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery, Cem 013, Cool Springs Baptist Church Cemetery, and Cem 038, Lipscomb Grove Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery; burial update to Cem 081, Riley-Terry Family Cemetery, information and photos by David N. Terry; revised Cem 165, Mitchell Family Cemetery, research by Steve Rankin; revised Cem 192, Sparrow Family Cemetery (Old), updated location by Clint Smith. Added Cem 244, Ray Family Cemetery, noted by Tom Magnuson, survey by Margaret Jones and Milton Forsyth, with information provided by O. C. Judge Beverly Scarlett, a descendant; added Cem 246, Unidentified Cemetery S. of St. Mary's Road, noted by Tom Magnuson, survey by Margaret Jones and Milton Forsyth; added Cem 247, Grace Independent Baptist Church Cemetery, noted by Margaret Jones, photos by Milton Forsyth; added Cem 253, Caldwell-Hooper Gravesite, and Cem 254, Swain Family Cemetery, both on UNC Campus, suggested and researched by Steve Rankin.
- November 2010 - December, 2012 - Added Cem 255, Purefoy and Related Families (Black) in Southern Village, research and photos by Milton Forsyth [Oct 2012]; Added Cem 257, Strowd, Bryant, Fam Cem, information and photo provided by Bebe Johns Fox [Oct 2012]; Added Cem 262, Unidentified off Dawson Rd [Dec 2012]; Added Cem 263, Tomb of William Hayes Ackland [Dec 2012]; Cem 148, Unidentified Cornwallis Hills, revised and corrected with assistance of homeowner [Oct 2012]; Cem 230, Unidentified Cem Archer/Burnette Land, revised description of newly located cemetery, research and photo by Margaret Jones and Milton Forsyth [Oct 2012].
- January 2013 - December 2014 - Added Cem 277, Unidentified Cemetery in South Grove Subdivision, Possibly Pendergrass, research and photos by Margaret Jones and Milton Forsyth [Aug 2014].
---------------- HAPPY SEARCHING ----------------
Web page updated 15 April 2021
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