Alphabetical List of Nash County Burials
Index of All Cemeteries Previous Page
From: Abernathy, Annie Anthony | Thru: Batchelor, Eula Evans |
From: Batchelor, Fannie Moss | Thru: Bottoms, Donald Franklin |
From: Boulden, Alvis Jones | Thru: Chappell, Eloise Matthews |
From: Chappell, Georgia Christine Adams | Thru: Creech, Hettie Rayford |
From: Creech, Infant | Thru: Edwards, Ferrell Roscoe |
From: Edwards, Flarence | Thru: Griffin, Elizabeth Adams |
From: Griffin, G. Herman | Thru: Holland, Martha Ann Shelton |
From: Holland, Millard Avery | Thru: Joyner, James Rufus |
From: Joyner, James Rufus | Thru: Lumley, Royce Wayne |
From: Lynch, James Clayton | Thru: Narron, Dempsey Thomas |
From: Narron, Effie Bland Cooper | Thru: Rackley, Jesse Herman |
From: Rackley, Jesse Weldon, Sr. | Thru: Sorsby, Henrietta Cobb |
From: Southall, Bessie Overby | Thru: Tisdale, J.H. |
From: Tisdale, James | Thru: Wheeless, William Guilford |
From: Wheless. Martha A. | Thru: Zeringue, Evelyn Pittman |
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Web page created 20 April 2021