Alphabetical List of Forsyth County Burials
Index of All Cemeteries Previous Page
From: Aaron, Betsy (Maurer) | Thru: Allen, Beulah P. |
From: Allen, Blanche May | Thru: Anderson, Maggie L. |
From: Anderson, Margaret | Thru: Atkins, Ray Luther |
From: Atkins, Reba (Macy) | Thru: Ball, Allene M. |
From: Ball, Charles M | Thru: Barnhill, Lottie Elizabeth |
From: Barnhill, Sara Peteins | Thru: Beck, M. J. |
From: Beck, Martha J. Ziglar | Thru: Bennett, Infant Twins |
From: Bennett, James Hubert | Thru: Binkley, Susanna |
From: Binkley, Susanna H. | Thru: Blakley, Easter Emily Baker |
From: Blakley, Evan Charles, Jr | Thru: Boggs, Frances Elizabeth |
From: Boggs, Marshall Ray | Thru: Bowden, Robert B. |
From: Bowden, Teresa Goode | Thru: Brady, Sallie (Kerner) |
From: Brakefield, Nancy L. (Stafford) | Thru: Broadway, Infant Son |
From: Broadway, Infant Son | Thru: Brown, Lorene Elizabeth |
From: Brown, Lorraine | Thru: Bullins, June Greene |
From: Bullins, Lizzie Tucker | Thru: Butner, Robert Oliver |
From: Butner, Roger Elbert | Thru: Campbell, Pearl G. |
From: Campbell, Rembert E | Thru: Carter, James E. |
From: Carter, James L. | Thru: Chaky, Albert A |
From: Chaky, Dorothy R | Thru: Clancy, Brenda Gail Allison |
From: Clancy, George William | Thru: Clingman, Hugh H. |
From: Clingman, Infant Daughter | Thru: Collicutt, Charles Caryl |
From: Collicutt, Elizabeth (Stafford) | Thru: Conrad, Lois Harper |
From: Conrad, Louisa Elizabeth | Thru: Cornatzer, Joseph H. |
From: Cornatzer, Margaret Ruby Dorse | Thru: Craft, William Luther |
From: Craft, Wilma Butcher | Thru: Crews, Jesse Lee |
From: Crews, Joey Len | Thru: Crumpton, Lawrence A. |
From: Crumpton, Ralph J | Thru: Darnell, Elaine Claire |
From: Darnell, Frances L. (Dawson) | Thru: Davis, Luther Ronda |
From: Davis, Lydia E. | Thru: Decker, John E. |
From: Dees, Joseph Erskins, Sr | Thru: Dixon, Infant Son |
From: Dixon, Johnny L | Thru: Doub, Mamie E. |
From: Doub, Margaret | Thru: Duggins, Jean (Martin) |
From: Duggins, John R. | Thru: Eagles, Doris De Lee |
From: Eagleson, Charles B. | Thru: Eisenberg, Molly Friedman |
From: Eisenberg, Samuel L. | Thru: Essic, Jacob Andrew |
From: Essic, Laura L. Lowe | Thru: Farthing, Penelope Lynn "Penny" |
From: Fath, Hazel Marsh | Thru: Flinchum, Carl Thomas |
From: Flinchum, David Walter | Thru: Forrest, Ernest Graham |
From: Forrest, Hazel Plaster | Thru: Freeman, Maude Edwards |
From: Freeman, Melvin McClain | Thru: Fulp, Lewis L. |
From: Fulp, Lillian R. | Thru: Gardner, George Frederick |
From: Gardner, Harold Alfred | Thru: Giles, W. Lorenzo |
From: Giles, Warren Thomas, Sr | Thru: Goodale, Mary Nifong |
From: Goodale, Michael Everett | Thru: Graves, Maude Sprinkle |
From: Graves, W Harry, Jr | Thru: Griffin, P. H. |
From: Griffin, Peggy W. (Whicker) | Thru: Grubbs, Vera Lawson |
From: Grubbs, Virgil Whitaker | Thru: Hairston, William H. |
From: Hairston, William H. | Thru: Hanes, Infant Son |
From: Hanes, Jacob | Thru: Harrell, Ophelia Moses |
From: Harrell, Rufus C. | Thru: Haskins, John |
From: Haskins, Louis | Thru: Hauser, Roswell Daniel, Jr |
From: Hauser, Roy Marvin | Thru: Hedgecock, Pervie J. |
From: Hedgecock, Phebe | Thru: Hensley, Wallace Dalton |
From: Hensley, William T. | Thru: Hicks, Jacob, Jr |
From: Hicks, James Alfred | Thru: Hobson, Annie Moore |
From: Hobson, Everette Anthony | Thru: Holman, Alvis T. |
From: Holman, Donna G. | Thru: Howard, Grace H. |
From: Howard, Hannah L. (Gatewood) | Thru: Huls, William Edward |
From: Huls, William Virgil | Thru: Hyatt, Henry Lester, Sr |
From: Hyatt, Inez Hawks | Thru: Irving, Virginia Schar |
From: Irwin, Nora Davis | Thru: Jarrett, Martha |
From: Jarrett, Mary E. | Thru: Johnson, Infant Twin Sons |
From: Johnson, Irene Bynum | Thru: Jones, Cora M. |
From: Jones, Cora Mabel | Thru: Jones, Paul Acie |
From: Jones, Paul E. | Thru: Joyner, Oscar Lorenzo, Dr. |
From: Joyner, Paul Edison | Thru: Kerner, Frances Lanier |
From: Kerner, Frank F. | Thru: Kimel, George W. |
From: Kimel, Gertrude Wilson | Thru: Knight, George Allen |
From: Knight, George W. | Thru: Lancaster, James W. |
From: Lancaster, John Albert | Thru: Lauten, Ila Brown |
From: Lauten, Thomas Ziglar, Jr | Thru: Lehman, Egbert Thomas |
From: Lehman, Eliza Jane Doub | Thru: Lilly, Harry "Eddie" |
From: Lilly, Infant Son | Thru: Livengood, Charlie William |
From: Livengood, Christena | Thru: Long, Lucy Jane Doub |
From: Long, Maggie M. Stout | Thru: Lunsford, Alda Hayes |
From: Lunsford, Edna Goodwin | Thru: Macklin, Albert Lyle |
From: Macklin, Fred | Thru: Marshall, John Fox, Sr. |
From: Marshall, John W. | Thru: Martin, Sarah Emma Neville |
From: Martin, Sarah L. | Thru: Matthews, Wayne L. |
From: Matthews, Wayne Ulrich | Thru: McCoy, John |
From: McCoy, Lisa Ann | Thru: McHone, Oliver S. |
From: McIlwain, Arlene Denice | Thru: McPeak, May T. (Trenor) |
From: McPherson, Abigail | Thru: Miller, Alton Ray |
From: Miller, Alves T | Thru: Mills, John Watson |
From: Mills, Mary Ella Lawrence | Thru: Montgomery, Hezekiah |
From: Montgomery, Infant Daughter | Thru: Morphies, Clara E. (Stack) |
From: Morphies, Clarence E. | Thru: Moser, William Wesley |
From: Moser, Willie W. | Thru: Mustin, Lucy |
From: Mustin, Mark Arvid | Thru: Needham, Rhonda Fay |
From: Needham, Robert Concord | Thru: Niestlie, John William, Jr. |
From: Nievinski, I. Verity (Oconnell) | Thru: Oliver, Electa Kansas Null |
From: Oliver, Elizabeth J. | Thru: Parker, Kati Jean |
From: Parker, Lizzie Hill | Thru: Patterson, Thurmond |
From: Patterson, William E | Thru: Pegram, Roy Freeman |
From: Pegram, Russell D., Jr. | Thru: Petree, James Edward (Rev.) |
From: Petree, James Martin | Thru: Phillips, Bessie J. Holder |
From: Phillips, Blanche Roselle Petree | Thru: Pleming, Bess (Linville) |
From: Pleming, Harry Alger | Thru: Powell, Johnnie |
From: Powell, Johnny Ray | Thru: Ragland, Claudius R. |
From: Ragland, Elisabeth (Fontaine) | Thru: Reed, Vernon Odell, Jr. |
From: Reed, Walter Harrison | Thru: Rice, Herman |
From: Rice, Herman W. | Thru: Robbins, Lula R. |
From: Robbins, Mabel S. (Sell) | Thru: Robinson, Infant Son |
From: Robinson, Irving Oscar | Thru: Roundtree, Hattie Way |
From: Roundtree, Johnnie L. | Thru: Sandiford, Minnie L. |
From: Sanford, James W., Jr. | Thru: Scales, Hunter, Jr |
From: Scales, Ida H. | Thru: Sebastian, Martha Barlow |
From: Sebastian, Michael W. | Thru: Sheets, William M. |
From: Sheets, William Thomas | Thru: Shoaf, J. W. |
From: Shoaf, Jo Ann Swaim | Thru: Shull, Judith (Buffington) |
From: Shulley, John Albert | Thru: Sims, Opal W. |
From: Sims, Otis Robinson | Thru: Smith, Calvin Herman |
From: Smith, Cariena | Thru: Smith, Lee Roy, Jr |
From: Smith, Lee Roy, Sr | Thru: Smothers, Paul Green |
From: Smothers, Thomas B. | Thru: Southern, Annie (Smith) |
From: Southern, Annie Belle Rhodes | Thru: Spear, Lola Louise |
From: Spear, Nathan | Thru: Sprinkle, Lori Ann |
From: Sprinkle, Louisa Adeline | Thru: Stanford, Uber L. |
From: Stanley, Adrian | Thru: Stewart, James |
From: Stewart, James Alexander | Thru: Stone, Lois Sharp |
From: Stone, Lula E. | Thru: Sullivan, Maggie Arnold |
From: Sullivan, Martha | Thru: Tate, Ethel Shore Weaver |
From: Tate, Flora | Thru: Terry, Walter |
From: Tesh, Addie L. Sink | Thru: Thompson, Rosa Zimmerman |
From: Thompson, Rose B Goods | Thru: Townsend, Lenora Murray |
From: Townsend, Lettie Mae Burton | Thru: Turner, Phil |
From: Turner, Ruby (Smith) | Thru: Vance, James Gilmer |
From: Vance, Joe Henry | Thru: Vinson, Beulah Estep |
From: Vinson, Estelle Lisenby | Thru: Walker, Elvert Avner |
From: Walker, Ernest | Thru: Wallace, Amziah |
From: Wallace, Charles L | Thru: Warren, Ruby N. (Neal) |
From: Warren, Ruby Wilhelm | Thru: Weaver, Margaret Louise Speas |
From: Weaver, Marie Wimbush | Thru: West, George Willis |
From: West, Gertrude Flup | Thru: Whicker, Nancy B. (Beeson) |
From: Whicker, Nancy P. (Pendry) | Thru: Whiting, Mary Jane |
From: Whitler, James Anglin | Thru: Williams, Azzalee |
From: Williams, Barbara M. | Thru: Williamson, Margaret Alice Scott |
From: Williamson, Mary | Thru: Wilson, Myrtle Garrett |
From: Wilson, Mystique M. | Thru: Wood, Clarence M. |
From: Wood, Conly Hobson | Thru: Wright, Infant Son |
From: Wright, Infant Son | Thru: Young, Marshall William |
From: Young, Martha J. | Thru: Zufall, Joseph Chalmers |
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Web page created 28 February 2024