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602 UNKNOWN [D29.2]
Location - Baldwin Township. Off Mann's Chapel Road, north side, near 2143 Mann's Chapel Rd.
Coordinates: 35d 50m 31.7s N; 79d 08m 16.1s W Click here for Online Maps
Photos by Bev Wiggins in 2016.
Owner: Mary Norwood, John and Gail Felton, Trustees. (2016)
Legal Description: Parcel 1693.Deed book 1327/1982, 2010 and 1118/40 John and Gail Felton. First tract 25.5 acres being a subdivision of the estate of AW Norwood, being part of what was known as the Smith Place. References WF Norwood et al to JH Norwood, GO/33 21 Oct 1932. References JH Norwood's, Gin Lot. Tract 2, 98.5 acres, Wilkerson Creek. HH/89 23 Jan 1932 Ava Norwood from WE Roberson Trustee for IW Pritchard. References adjacent to CH Snipes, AW Norwood, and Emaline Cotten. Emeline Cotten property referenced in BG/494, registered 17 May 1884, dated 3 Feb 1873, Jackson Cotten (husband of Emeline) from Henry and Rachel Mann, et al. 18 acres on waters of Wilkerson Creek.
Topo Quadrant: Bynum. Code D. Family Owned: Yes. Type: Other, Unknown. Status: Abandoned. Cemetery size: 15x20'. Number of graves: 3. Restricted access: Yes. Private property. Condition: Overgrown, not easily identifiable. Enclosed: No. Markers present: Yes. Markers Inscribed: No. Number readable markers: 0. Markers damaged: No. Hazards to cemetery: Neglect. Listed: No.
Other information: Cemetery known by tradition. Identified and surveyed during development of property for Westview at Norwood Estates subdivision, planning underway in 2016.
Canvased by Jim & Bev Wiggins, Keith Brown; date: 7 Dec 2016.
Unknown, Unknown (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Unknown, Unknown (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Unknown, Unknown (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Web page updated 8 June 2021
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