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572 UNKNOWN [K25.5]
Location - Center township, behind 44 Johnston St, Pittsboro.
Coordinates: 35d 43m 16.2s N; 79d 10m 54.4s W Click here for Online Maps
Owner: Raymond Kelley and Melissa Thomas. Legal Description: parcel 8207, plat 92-247, deed 1394/994; 860/393; 2001 719/296; 1997 611/1178; 1945 JL/266; 1908 EK/24 Lot 6 of Pittsboro Heights. Topo Quadrant: Center K. Private owned: Yes, probably family. Maintained and in use: No. Number of graves: Unknown. Restricted access: Yes. Private property Condition: Not identifiable as a burial site. Inscribed stone found during patio construction in 2010. Markers: Yes. Markers with inscriptions: Yes. Number of readable markers: 1. Last burial: 1817. First burial: c. 1817. Markers damaged: Yes. marker was buried, source of disturbance unknown. Cemetery listed: No.
Miscellaneous information: Marker shows typical style for time period (1817)-- underlining and Gothic dots. Stone was found about 6" below ground during construction of patio. Location of grave is unclear. Report was made by homeowner Ray Kelley (548-5933) in April 2010. He also supplied a photograph of the small, nicely-shaped stone, which has "1817 and the initials L. A." It is possible that there are other graves in this location.
Last canvassed by: Bev Wiggins. Date: 5 May 2010. Photograph by Ray Kelley.
A., L. (b. Unknown - d. 1817)
Marker has initials L.A. and date 1817. Marker is made of sandstone and in good condition. Stone found 6" under ground during patio construction.
Web page updated 8 June 2021
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