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570 UNKNOWN [J88.2]
Location - Gulf Township. behind house at 4156 Pittsboro-Goldston Rd, near intersection of Pittsboro-Goldston Rd and Union Grove Church Rd.
Coordinates: 35d 38m 33.0s N; 79d 15m 53.0s W Click here for Online Maps
Owner: John and Sherry Powell Legal Description: Parcel 62613 DB 1357/793 (2007) Keck to Powell; plat 95-45; DB 798/1020 (1999) Martha Hart Keck to Keck children; 494/796 (1986) Keck children to Martha Hart Keck; 381/959 (1974) Addie Hart (widow of Charlie F Hart) to Martha Hart Keck and Alton Keck; ; 246/26 (1956)Addie Hart et al to Martha Hart Keck and Alton Keck; HH/284 ? Oldham and Hart to Addie Hart Topo Quadrant: Siler City Code: J. Family owned: Yes. Abandoned: Yes. Number of graves: 20+. Cemetery size: 50' x 50'. Type: Other, Unknown. Restricted access: Yes. Private property. Overgrown and easy to identify: Yes. Powells have cleaned up the site, which had been overgrown. Enclosed: No. Markers: Yes. Inscribed markers: No. Readable markers: None. Markers damaged: Yes. Damage Explanation: Keck family (previous owners) indicated that children moved some stones many years ago.
Miscellaneous information: Kecks' grandfather, Charles Hart, believed this to be an indian or slave graveyard, suggesting that it may not have had family connections and probably is from a much earlier period.
Last canvassed by: J&B Wiggins, John Powell. Date: 8 Oct 2009. Photos by Beverly Wiggins in October 2009.
Unknown, Unknown (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Unknown, Unknown (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Unknown, Unknown (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Unknown, Unknown (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Web page updated 8 June 2021
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