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Location - Oakland Township. On south side of SR 2154, Taylors Chapel Road, 0.4 mile east of SR 2153, Rosser Road
Coordinates: 35d 36m 54.6s N; 79d 13m 45.2s W Click here for Online Maps
On 31 May 1998, Myrtle Ellerby reported to Will and Audrey Heiser that Jack Taylor, the founder of Taylors Chapel, was buried here. This was confirmed later by Ann McCrimmon, and that his wife, Margaret, was also buried here.
Owner: Trustees. Legal Description: Probably between parcel 18307 and parcel 83221. Deed book CH/99, 8 Nov 1879, John "Jack" & Margaret Taylor to Trustees. FB/405, 10 Apr 1914, Robert S. Tysor to Trustees, 2 lots 1.5 and 1.0 acres, mentions church lot and cemetery lot. CH/415, 27 Aug 1889, AJ Bynum to Trustees; one acre, including old Jones, Bryan or Clegg land used for burial place for the colored people. Topo Quadrant: Colon. Church owned: Yes. Denomination: Baptist. Abandoned: Yes. Number of graves: Unknown. Cemetery size: 100' x 100'. African-American: Yes. Unrestricted access: Yes. Not identified explanation: Couldn't locate. Reported by Mrs. Myrtle Ellerby, granddaughter of Jack Taylor, first pastor.. Enclosed: No. Markers: Yes.
Miscellaneous information: Deed FB-405, 10 Apr 1914, Robert S. Tysor to Trustees, 2 lots, 1.5 and 1.0 acres, mentions church lot and cemetery lot.
Last canvassed by: Will M. Heiser. Date: 31 May 1998. On 27 Jan 2011 Bev Wiggins and Patty Walters located and photographed fragments of several gravestones on the south shoulder of Taylor's Chapel Rd. Subsequent discussion with Mrs. Annie McCrimmon indicated that when Taylor's Chapel Rd. was paved in the late 1960s or early 1970s, the road construction destroyed the original part of the Taylor's Chapel cemetery. Many of the graves in that part of the cemetery were marked only by fieldstones, but there were some inscribed markers. Only the fragments of markers remain.
Photos by Bev Wiggins, 27 Jan 2011.
Taylor, John "Jack" (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Husband of Margaret Taylor. Founder of Original Taylors Chapel, 1872. Ref: Myrtle Ellerby and Annie McCrimmon.
Taylor, Margaret (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Wife of John "Jack" Taylor. Information from Annie McCrimmon.
Unknown, Unknown (b. Unknown - d. 1911)
Unknown, Unknown (b. 1865 - d. 16 Jan 1880)
W., S. (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
We__, ____y (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Web page updated 8 June 2021
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