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Location - Town of Gulf. 200 feet north of SR 2139, Creosote Road, 1,200 feet east of junction with SR 2144, J. R. Moores Store Road, behind the Baptist Gulf House of Prayer
Coordinates: 35d 33m 37.3s N; 79d 16m 41.6s W Click here for Online Maps
Click here to view a slide show of the cemetery.
The builder of the church in 1847, John Haughton, is buried in the cemetery along with other members of the Haughton family. The attractive plot is well-shaded with towering trees and surrounded by an intact solid stone wall. In 1959, Vann Oldham had been serving as caretaker of the cemetery for many years. Many of the monuments in the cemetery are elaborately carved creations. A number of the markers were shipped from stonecutter George Lauder's shop in Fayetteville.
Civil war veterans and many persons who were reportedly killed in a plague of typhoid fever are buried in the plot. There were thirty-four (34) legible markers in the cemetery when surveyed in February 1984 by Kathy Brooks Jones, Buffalo Creek Chronicles, Vol. I, (Sanford, NC, 1984), pages 112 and 177. William D. Mclver later reported an additional grave marker, that of James Harriss Hooker.
Slaves owned by families in the Gulf area are said to be buried in the outlying areas within the walls of the cemetery.
There is a granite marker contributed by the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina which says: "Former site of St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Gulf. Erected in 1847 by John Haughton. Consecrated by Bishop Levi S. Ives in 1847. Removed to Siler City in 1953." Photo of marker.
The cemetery was badly damaged by heavy winds on Saturday, 19 June 1993, with large oak trees uprooted and broken. The cemetery was repaired by the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina, Raleigh. The cemetery was damaged again by high winds on Monday, 30 August 1993. Damage-1 - Damage-2 - Damage-3 - Damage-4 - Damage-5 - Damage-6 - Damage-7 - Damage-8.
A sketch and inventory of 35 grave sites was made by Jane Pyle in September 1994. Pyle's inventory is the source of the burial data and detailed epitaphs included here. Martha Hope Smith found references to additional burials in St. Marks Churchyard at Gulf from the Parish Register of St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church, Pittsboro, North Carolina. Pyle's 1994 inventory was included in an article by Wade H. Hadley, Jr., "St. Marks Chapel: Migratory and Enduring" in The Chatham Historical Journal, Vol. 7, No. 4, November 1994. That listing included 35 grave markers (including one marker-Permelia McIver-shared with three unnamed infants) and 8 unmarked graves with the information furnished by St. Bartholomew's Register.
Other references: Sanford Herald article 26 June 1959. "Cemetery Victim of the Elements," Chatham News-Record, Thursday, 4 August 1994.
Owner: Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina. Legal Description: Deed Book AH-38, 28 August 1847, John Haughton to Levi S. Ives, George Mordecai, John W. Wright, Trustees, one acre. Topo Quadrant: Goldston. Church owned: Yes. Denomination: Episcopal. Maintained and in use: Yes. Number of graves: 46. Cemetery size: 1 acre. White: Yes. Unrestricted access: Yes. Well maintained: Yes. Enclosed: Yes. Enclosed explanation: Rock wall repaired with brick, 80' x 90'. Enclosed conditions: Good. Markers: Yes. Markers with inscriptions: Yes. Number of readable markers: 35. Last burial: 1953. First burial: 1849. Other damage explanation: Storm damage in 1993 has been repaired. Listed: Yes. Listed explanation: Kathy Brooks Jones, "Buffalo Creek Chronicles," Vol. I, 1984, pp. 112, 177.
Significant events: Site of St. Mark's Episcopal Church. Erected by John Haughton. Consecrated by Bishop Levi S. Ives in 1847. Removed to Siler City in 1953. Removed to Mordecai Square, Raleigh, in 1978.
Last canvassed by: Jane Pyle, Sep 1994; Will M. Heiser, 14 Oct 1996; photographed by Julie King-McDaniel April 2010.
Frasier, Alice L. (b. 2 Mar 1856 - d. 17 Jan 1892)
Daughter of Richard G. and Jane Watson Frasier. [#28 on sketch]
Frasier, Emily Joyner (b. 29 Mar 1845 - d. 6 Apr 1892)
Daughter of Richard G. and Jane Watson Frasier. [#27 on sketch]
Frasier, Eugene H. (b. 28 Aug 1904 - d. 11 Dec 1934)
Rest in peace. [#19 on sketch]
Frasier, Florence J. (b. 21 Aug 1887 - d. 3 Jul 1889)
Daughter of George David and Pattie Ann Frasier. [#7 on sketch]
Frasier, G. [George] McNeal (b. 8 Apr 1879 - d. 12 Jul 1880)
Son of George David and Pattie Ann Frasier. Aged 1 year, 3 months, 4 days.DOB calculated. [#8 on sketch]
Frasier, George David (b. 18 Aug 1850 - d. 16 May 1919)
[Husband of (1st) Pattie Ann Frasier and (2nd) Leta Goldston Frasier.] Masonic symbol. An honest man is the noblest work of God. [#21 on sketch]
Frasier, George David, Jr. (b. 14 Mar 1906 - d. 18 Aug 1906)
Son of George David and Leta [Goldston] Frasier. [#17 on sketch]
Frasier, Jane Watson (b. 22 Aug 1825 - d. 11 Mar 1909)
Wife of Richard G. Frasier. Thy loss we deeply feel, dear mother. [#30 on sketch]
Frasier, Leta Goldston (b. 19 Feb 1883 - d. 13 Nov 1953)
[2nd] Wife of George David Frasier. [#20 on sketch]
Frasier, Lizzie Pearl (b. 18 Nov 1881 - d. 7 May 1896)
Daughter of George David and Pattie Ann Frasier. One by one my friends are gathered, To that near and shining shore; In the bloom of youth and beauty, Hath my daughter gone before. Closeup of inscription. [#18 on sketch]
Frasier, Pattie Ann (b. 9 Aug 1852 - d. 26 Apr 1901)
[1st ] Wife of George David Frasier. Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep From which none ever wake to weep. Closeup of inscription. [#22 on sketch]
Frasier, Richard G. (b. 5 Nov 1816 - d. 16 Feb 1888)
[Husband of Jane Watson Frasier.] Masonic symbol. In memory of. Gone to the land of life and light, Him whom we loved and dwelt with here; Risene [sic] to mansions fair and bright, Dwelling in God's eternal sight, Him whom we held so dear, so dear. [#29 on sketch]
Frasier, Richard Olmsted (b. 8 Aug 1853 - d. 18 Jun 1924)
Frasier, Walter Raleigh (b. 17 Sep 1859 - d. 1 May 1893)
Son of Richard G. and Jane Watson Frasier. [#26 on sketch]
Frasier, Zillah (b. 10 Apr 1788 - d. 6 Apr 1850)
Sacred to the memory of. The weary are at rest. [#5 on sketch]
Harris, Brooks (b. 1804 - d. 21 Feb 1869)
[Husband of Eliza Harris.] Son of West and Elizabeth Harris. [Spelled "Harriss" on gravestone.] Aged 65 years. I would not live always, no welcome the tomb, Since Jesus hath lain there, I dread not its gloom. Signed Lauder. Closeup of inscription. [#14 on sketch]
Harris, D. C., Lt. (b. 26 May 1835 - d. 15 Oct 1862)
Eldest son of Brooks and Eliza Harris. Aged 27 years , 4 months, 19 days. DOB calculated. The Christian brother the patriot son Has the battle fought the victory won. We all resign, God knew `twas best To take him from us with himself to rest. Closep of inscription. [#13 on sketch]
Harris, Eliza (b. 1801 - d. 24 Feb 1872)
Wife of Brooks Harris. Aged 71 years. Who, who would live alway Away from his God, Away from yon heaven That blissful abode. Signed Lauder. Closeup of inscription. [#15 on sketch]
Harris, John W., Lt. (b. 22 Dec 1837 - d. 1 Sep 1865)
Second son of Brooks and Eliza Harris. Aged 27 years 8 months and 10 days. DOB calculated. When those we love are snatched away By death's restless hand, Our hearts the mournful tribute pay That friendship must demand. Closeup of inscription. [#12 on sketch]
Haughton, Ann Lightfoot [Hayes] (b. 5 Mar 1822 - d. 21 Aug 1849)
[1st wife of Lawrence J. Haughton.] And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Erected by her husband, Jan. 1850. Closeup of inscription. [#35 on sketch]
Haughton, Jane McBryde (b. 4 Oct 1844 - d. 22 Mar 1856)
Daughter of Lawrence J. and Ann Lightfoot (Hayes) Haughton. Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for such is the kingdom of God. Closeup of inscription. [#34 on sketch]
Haughton, John (b. 20 Jul 1775 - d. 26 Nov 1849)
[Husband of Mary Ryan (Hooker) Haughton.] Mark the perfect man And behold the upright; For the end of that man is peace. Erected by his wife, Jan 1850. Closeup of inscription. [Builder of St. Mark's Church. #32 on sketch]
Haughton, John L., Lt. (b. 16 Apr 1841 - d. 17 Sep 1862)
Son of Lawrence J. and Ann Lightfoot (H.) Haughton. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Closeup of inscription. [Died of typhoid while in service of CSA. #33 on sketch]
Haughton, Kate Meta (b. 1867 - d. 23 May 1868)
Daughter of L. J. and Martha Ann Haughton. Aged 20 months. Sweet child, `tis not for thee to feel, The world's great toil and care; Thy little cup of pain is drunk, And joy is now thy share. [#23 on sketch]
Haughton, Martha Ann (b. 15 Sep 1832 - d. 16 Jan 1882)
[2nd] Wife of Lawrence J. Haughton. Into thine hand I commit my spirit; thou hast redeemed me, Oh Lord God of truth. Closeup of inscription. [Mother of Mrs. Ida Cowan and Mrs. Lilly Jones. #24 on sketch]
Haughton, Mary R. (b. 11 Dec 1791 - d. 15 Jan 1865)
Wife of John Haughton. Hear what the voice from heaven declares To those in Christ who die; Released from all their earthly cares, They'll reign with him on high. Closeup of inscription. [Mary Ryan Hooker Haughton, died of paralysis. #31 on sketch]
Heron, James M. (b. 8 Dec 1855 - d. 6 Aug 1865)
Son of W. M. and E. C. Heron. [#6 on sketch]
Hooker, James Harriss (b. 21 Mar 1856 - d. 29 Sep 1856)
Son of Joseph C. and Mary Jane Hooker. [#3 on sketch]
Hooker, Joseph C. (b. 10 May 1831 - d. 30 Jun 1867)
[Husband of Mary Jane Hooker.] While pity prompts the rising sigh, With awful power impress; May the dread truth: "I too must die," Sink deep in every breast. [#1 on sketch]
Hooker, Mary Jane (b. 14 Mar 1834 - d. 21 Jun 1866)
Wife of Joseph C.Hooker. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, Let this vain world allure no more; Behold the opening tomb; It bids us use the present hour, Tomorrow death may come. Signed Lauder. [#2 on sketch]
McIntyre, Evelyn W. (b. 1849 - d. 1 Nov 1893)
Wife of John W. McIntyre. Aged 44 years. She had no wish in the great world to shine. For work outside woman's sphere no yearning. But on the altar of home's sacred shrine, She keeps the fire of pure affection burning. Husband. [#10 on sketch]
McIntyre, Joliette Irene (b. 1875 - d. 18 Sep 1879)
Only child of John W. and Evelyn W. McIntyre. Aged 4 years & 9 months. Safe within the fold. Closeup of inscription. [#9 on sketch]
McIver, Infant (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Infant of John M. and Permelia C. (Harris) McIver. Shares stone with Permelia C. McIver. [#16 on sketch]
McIver, Infant (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Infant of John M. and Permelia C. (Harris) McIver. Shares stone with Permelia C. McIver. [#16 on sketch]
McIver, Infant (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Infant of John M. and Permelia C. (Harris) McIver. Shares stone with Permelia C. McIver. [#16 on sketch]
McIver, Permelia C. Harris (b. 14 Feb 1842 - d. 4 Oct 1875)
1st Wife of John McMillan McIver, Sr. Daughter of Brooks and Eliza Harris. Here are also interred her three unnamed babes. At rest. Epitaph: "I heard a voice from Heaven saying unto me. Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, sayeth the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours." Closeup of inscription. [#16 on sketch]
McRae, Julia (b. 1835 - d. 28 Jul 1867)
Unmarked grave. From St. Bartholomew's Parish Register, p. 206: Mrs. Julia McRae, wife of Donald McRae. Born in Mass. Died 28 Jul 1867. Buried at the Gulf. Aged 32 years.
Murdoch, Lemuel Colburn (b. 26 Nov 1846 - d. 22 Sep 1863)
Son of William and Sarah C. Murdoch. Born Graniteville, SC. Died of Typhoid fever at Gulf. [#11 on sketch]
Newby, George Clinton, M.D. (b. Dec 1822 - d. 16 Jun 1889)
Unmarked grave. From St. Bartholomew's Parish Register, p. 222: George Clinton Newby, M.D., aged 66 years & 6 months. Died June 16, 1889. Buried 17 Jun 1889 in St. Mark's Churchyard at Gulf.
Newby, Kate Carman (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Daughter of Dr. George C. and Margaret Newby. Dates are buried in the ground and could not be read. [#4 on sketch]
Paton, Harriet (b. 30 Dec 1864 - d. 17 Jan 1865)
Unmarked grave. From St. Bartholomew's Parish Register, p. 205: Harriet, daughter of Robert and Maria Antoinette Paton. Born 30 Dec 1864. Died very suddenly, cause unknown 17 Jan 1865. Buried at the Gulf.
Paton, Isabel (b. 3 Dec 1868 - d. 1 Aug 1870)
Unmarked grave. From St. Bartholomew's Parish Register, p. 62: Isabel Paton, daughter of Robert and Maria Antoinette Paton of Egypt, Chatham Co. -born Dec 3rd 1868--died of Marasmus 1 Aug 1870, aged 1 year, 6 months & 27 days. Buried in the Churchyard at the Gulf.
Paton, Maria Antoinette (b. 1832 - d. 4 Dec 1892)
Unmarked grave. From St. Bartholomew's Parish Register, p. 224: Mrs. Maria Antoinette Paton, widow of Robert Paton. Aged 60 years. Buried at St. Marks Churchyard at Gulf. [buried 4 Dec 1892] [Wife of Robert Paton.]
Paton, Robert (b. 1826 - d. 2 Jul 1883)
Unmarked grave. From St. Bartholomew's Parish Register, p. 217: Robert Paton, age 57. Buried [2 July 1883] in St. Mark's churchyard, Gulf.
Paton, Walter (b. Unknown - d. 20 Jan 1865)
Unmarked grave. From St. Bartholomew's Parish Register, p. 205: Walter, son of Robert and Maria Antoinette Paton. Buried 20 Jan 1865 at the Gulf.
Walker, Marion (b. Unknown - d. 19 Sep 1864)
Unmarked grave. From St. Bartholomew's Parish Register, p. 204: Son of Brig. Gen. Walker of SC. Died 19 Sep 1864 of catarrh fever, buried at the Gulf, 20 Sep 1864.
Web page updated 8 June 2021
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